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shoshana20 t1_j44fn03 wrote

Yeah OP, I would urge you to consider how often you will need to go to the office and the impact that commute will have on your quality of life. You're looking at more than an hour each way, maybe a lot more than an hour depending on where you/your office are in relation to the station on each end.


ItemCareful1077 OP t1_j44gid7 wrote

I luckily am only in office 3 days a week and I kind of wanted the experience and ease of going into NYC while I'm still in my twenties so that's why I chose to be more east but sure the commute will suck


objectimpermanence t1_j44jlze wrote

Make sure you look into the logistics of that commute.

I’ve never done this trip personally, but based on a quick check on Google Maps it looks like you need to transfer at least twice to get to the Madison train station from JC. Imagine getting off a train and having to wait possibly 10-15 minutes for the next one. Then imagine doing that four times during a roundtrip.

I personally prefer JC over Hoboken, but Hoboken has better public transit connectivity to the suburbs. If you live near the Hoboken train terminal, you could potentially have a one-seat ride to Madison.

Most of the Newport neighborhood in Jersey City is walking distance to the Hoboken terminal, but Newport doesn’t really fit the vibe you seem to be looking for.


lizziek13 t1_j44j1kx wrote

I would strongly urge you to reconsider a car. That commute 3x a week is going to drain you. You will have at least one transfer, maybe more depending on where you live. Most luxury buildings have garages. If you’re dead set on JC or Hoboken, buy a used car and drive to work. If you’re open to other areas, Morristown is a very cute town with a train station that goes directly to Madison. Montclair is also not too far.


thebruns t1_j47qkdr wrote

If you are late to work because you had to transfer 3 times and there were problems - and there will be problems - youre going to be a lot more fucked than being late to a fun night in the city.

On top of that, you will not want to go out after a 2 hour commute on a weekday.

Living in Morristown, there are buses and trains into the city.