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Big_Project8852 OP t1_j6kdhz5 wrote

At night I typically go to 70 degrees because I like sleeping in the cold. My room is basically freezing lol


Stillill1187 t1_j6ke0cc wrote

These are high temps fyi. Maybe not to you, but like- compared to averages. It sounds like you may be running your heat way more than you realize.

For context- I have big windows too and leave my heat at 64 during the day and it almost never goes on, 66 at night. I mean- I wear a sweater.


Big_Project8852 OP t1_j6kexys wrote

If I left my heat on 66 I’m pretty sure any leftover water would freeze lol. After talking through this I’m starting to think the unit is poorly insulated and I lose a ton of heat through the windows.


me_oleksii t1_j6ko8xe wrote

Water freeze temperature is 32F. Is the temp sensor in the thermostat Ок?


Stillill1187 t1_j6kf304 wrote

Yeah they sounds like a major insulation issue.


RebeccaLoneBrook29 t1_j6kgwvy wrote

Lux buildings usually find some level of insulation issue, between the windows, between walls. My thermal imaging usually shows gaps around the window frames at work.


bodhipooh t1_j6kjhb5 wrote

>If I left my heat on 66 I’m pretty sure any leftover water would freeze lol.

I guess basic, high school chemistry was not your thing.

The Morgan was built quite some time ago, so there is good historical data for what previous tenants in your unit were consuming in terms of energy. Reach out to PSE&G and ask about previous usage in terms of kWh and see how you compare. But, based on on your other responses, I think you are using way too much electricity by keeping your heat way too high.


Big_Project8852 OP t1_j6kl4mk wrote

No I was more focused on coding, you miserable fuck.


bodhipooh t1_j6m4tqc wrote

You mad, bro? I mean, I guess I would also be mad to be too dumb to be a coder who can’t Google basic shit.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j6l8llr wrote

For those not in the know:

Some european power companies put campaigns out on social media to mislead customers about low temperatures and pipes freezing, or mold problems or safety (long enough time and any temperature < 70 can cause frost bite).

Their profit is a % based on power usage. If people cut back due to high costs, their profit tanks. These companies are hurting this winter as people cut back on usage due to energy costs.

Of course it's grossly misleading, and anyone who finished 4th grade knows it doesn't make sense, but some people like OP fall for social media bullshit.

Water doesn't freeze until 32F, and humidity not temperature causes mold problems. And given cold air holds less moisture, it's actually very unlikely to get mold from keeping your home cool unless you've got condensation building up, which is somewhat hard to accomplish. In the summer however, if you don't have the AC on OR windows open for proper ventilation to correctly keep air moving you will get a mold problem, especially around here.

They shamelessly prey on the elderly with this crap to make sure they get their money.

Of course you can put on a sweater and use a blanket. You won't suffocate overnight (seriously, some elderly people now believe this because infants aren't supposed to have blankets).
