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goldorakgo t1_j5yykvp wrote

It was so infuriating to read her statement that said the bicyclist was “not hurt.” He definitely was hurt. She wasn’t driving a marshmallow car. She obviously has little regard for anyone other than herself.


Laraujo31 t1_j5zkyor wrote

That statement proves that she doesn't care.


BlueBeagle8 t1_j5ze0od wrote

The "how" here is pretty simple: either collect 42,000 signatures and recall her, or run a serious candidate (someone with governing experience, not a professional activist) against her when she comes up for re-election.

"Demanding" that she resign is not going to do anything, she clearly has no shame.

Complaining to Fulop and Murphy is not going to do anything, they have zero incentive to take on a brutal fight against HCDO.

There is not a shortcut here, if you want to get rid of DeGise you have to beat her.


samwiseganja96 t1_j610zop wrote

I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to collect signatures for this haha


squee_bastard t1_j5yyhc6 wrote

I have to snark for a moment, every time I see this woman I am shocked at how old she looks for her age. I seriously wonder if she has substance abuse issues. I know that was heavily theorized when this first happened because no sober person would flee the scene of a crime that they weren’t at fault for and then report it six hours later.

Sadly she won’t be recalled and it’s amazing the lengths she goes to absolve herself of any personal responsibility. She is a terrible person who sped off and left someone on the side of the road and said nothing and showed zero remorse. The fact that she doubled down with the statement below just shows how arrogant she is.

DeGise’s public relations people released a 377-word statement on her behalf. In it, she falsely asserts that the bicyclist she struck with her SUV last July was “not hurt” and she reiterates that she has no intention of resigning.


rubensinclair t1_j5yzxvv wrote

Why are we giving up on recalling her? This action is so egregious and it's not like she's got a bunch of supporters in the general public. This should be remarkably easy to do. Nearly everyone I know in JC is aware of this story.


squee_bastard t1_j5z0a41 wrote

I’m not saying to give up but I think it’s an extraordinary task to recall her, especially since Fulop seems to back her. The entire situation is a disappointment.


rubensinclair t1_j5z0wpc wrote

Fulop only said he wanted to see how it played out in the courts. So now we know she’s guilty, and it’s time for him to put up or shut up.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j5z2hon wrote

She's got more supporters than you would think. A lot of people believe they should have the right to run over any cyclist and drive on away. They're just not young people so they're not on Reddit


rubensinclair t1_j601l5y wrote

"A lot of people believe they should have the right to run over any cyclist and drive on away."



RAWisROLLIE t1_j60ba7w wrote

I wish it were otherwise. I was nearly hit by a car while on a scooter in Hoboken and when confronted, the driver justified it by saying I shouldn't even have been on the road. Cops had no interest in explaining the law to them.


ScumbagMacbeth t1_j610wi3 wrote

I've had drivers ACTIVELY try to run me over on my bike. I also had a bottle thrown at me while I was riding. Try riding a bike around here sometime, it's intense. Also look at some articles on cyclist deaths in NYC. Drivers are rarely punished at all. Murder could be legal if you do it with a car.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j60gs0t wrote

Talk to conservatives (and Democrats can be conservatives too) over the age of 45.


cC2Panda t1_j5zcwcy wrote

>This should be remarkably easy to do.

We're a machine state. The rules in place require us to wait until a significant portion of her term is already up then we have to get 42,000 signatures from registered voters(28% of registered voters). For reference the combined voters in 2021 were just over 42k.


RAWisROLLIE t1_j605isw wrote

The simple online petition barely got a fraction of 40,000, and that was when the story was fresh. Nobody cares, unfortunately.

And she'll win if she runs again solely because of name recognition.


sutisuc t1_j5z3enr wrote

Holy shit how is she only 36?


G_Funk_Error t1_j5z4fs0 wrote

Marlboro reds I assume. Unfiltered. Or meth. I’m going with meth.


justanothersynthdork t1_j5ze9hh wrote

Wow. I had no clue she was that young. I was assuming mid 40s at best. That’s some hard living.


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j5zhtop wrote

The misogyny in Reddit is real.


justanothersynthdork t1_j5znn2h wrote

I also said that Jeremiah Healy looked old when he was our mayor due to hard living but I'm sure you know me better than I do.


Informal_Bat_722 t1_j606ye9 wrote

not trying to be a dick but, this seems sexist

>I have to snark for a moment, every time I see this woman I am shocked at how old she looks for her age.

would you bring this up if it were a man?


squee_bastard t1_j60pdod wrote

I don’t think you’re a dick at all, that’s a valid question. I’m an equal opportunity snarky snarkerson so i would say the same for either gender, substance abuse definitely ages people.


averageredditor19 t1_j5zmyqh wrote

The least we can do is continue to antagonize her online and make her name have negative connotations


[deleted] t1_j5zo1ng wrote



averageredditor19 t1_j5zob1w wrote

For the sake of the community, we should continue to antagonize her and ruin her future political career as much as we can. Harassment should be changed to antagonism. I will edit.


OrdinaryEffinPeople t1_j5zoymn wrote

A few people teed off on her at the council meeting last night - my favorite around the :51 mark.


skk1969 t1_j5ztx08 wrote

The lady @ 51 mark was fantastic. Her articulation of her concerns perfectly align with my thoughts also - and I suspect many others on the sub-Red. Am still laughing at the comment about Amy D being the "George Santos of JC" :-)

In seriousness, whether 46K signatures are collected or not the mere effort to do so (via online tools) would help keep this issue in the local spotlight.


ilovemytvalot t1_j5z513a wrote

Is the cyclist suing her? I'd be happy to donate to any legal fees for him. She should be removed but she has connections that are preventing that. If we can't remove her, let's make her life hell


gearheadsub92 t1_j5zdxdb wrote

Strictly speaking, the cyclist was the one who caused the accident when he blew the red light.

Obviously it is egregious that Amy fled the scene after the accident, but it does not seem that any actions on her part contributed to it happening - indeed, she has only ever been under fire for fleeing, not for the accident itself.

Not a lawyer, but I don’t really think the cyclist has much ground to stand on as far as any damages that a civil suit might try to recoup. Certainly if she HAD stopped then she would be 100% in the clear and likely free from any financial liability. If anything, she’d probably have standing to sue the cyclist for damage to her vehicle. Good fucking luck making that case now though, Amy…


FelixTaran t1_j5z4db5 wrote

I don’t mean to distract from the general grossness of an elected official essentially paying 5k to stay in office but…

Her lawyer is dapper.


Laraujo31 t1_j5zm14r wrote

I almost threw up reading her statement. She obviously can care less about hitting that guy. What kind of person keeps driving after hitting someone? She didn't even slow down. Yes, he ran the red light but any sane person would say "oh S***" and stop to check on the person. I personally think she may have been drunk or something. She has absolutely 0 moral ground to serve as anything.

In another note, the two guys holding the "Amy must go banner" deserve a beer!


HudsonRiverMonster t1_j62y0fl wrote

To all those saying an online petition needs to be circulated: that’s not how recalls work. Online petitions for anything related to elections are not valid under NJ law. You would need the real, physical signatures of over 40000 registered Jersey City voters. Anyone who knows anything about the sort of logistics, people, money required to accomplish that knows that no one has those kinds of resources or networks right now.

Should an attempt be made? Yes, because the mere exercise itself will cause people to get involved, sort of “if you build it they will come”.

It’s a lot harder than it looks, if it were easy it would have already been done. However, it’s not impossible and it’s worth it even if such an effort were to fail.


Connect_Choice_3042 t1_j5znjmo wrote

Hasn’t anyone ever f’d up ? Don’t we all deserve a second chance ? Please people find in your hearts to forgive and move on! Plz. WwJD


PathologicalLiar_007 t1_j63mzq6 wrote

How this is even a thing is beyond me. There’s no question she should be FORCED to step down if she’s not willing too


skk1969 t1_j61ynga wrote

When I posted my earlier comment, I hadn't actually read the opinion piece posted by OP. Now having read it (see final paragraphs below), it seems even more clear to me that an online effort to collect the required 46k votes should be made...and publicised/shared with


""While it would take an immense effort to get a 2024 recall drive mounted since DeGise is a councilwoman at large, representing the whole city as opposed to a single ward, those who have protested her refusal to step down should organize better and work toward that goal.

And whether a recall is ultimately successful or not, a grassroots movement should start working now to identify and put forward a strong candidate to replace DeGise in the 2025 election.

It won’t be easy to go up against the HCDO and its war chest – or to fight City Hall – but it can be done.""