Submitted by IndividualBad9136 t3_10p9wxt in jerseycity

Hey Y’all,

We are looking to buy a place in Jersey City for an easier commute to Long Island City. Looking to stay 5 or so years. Can’t afford to purchase in Hoboken or high income areas of Jersey City.

Just curious if this is a dangerous area - have a wife (lesbian couple) and 10 month old daughter.

Edit: thanks for everyone’s feedback! I appreciate you taking time out of your day to respond!



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burrito__supreme t1_j6j5akx wrote

is your commute via car or public transit?

edit: i’ll shoot straight with you, i wouldn’t buy in that area. have you considered the west side? affordable and safer IMO with better mass transit options (better in that you aren’t further from the path)

edited again: others have made valid points re: your commute. where are you living now that you think JC is an easier LIC commute? what time of day are you typically commuting? i moved to JC from LIC and did the drive frequently when we were looking/in contract and it’s not exactly a quick drive unless you do it mad early (like pre-7am) or mad late.

edited for further commuting context that they’re about to close the holland tunnel NJ bound tube overnight for two years so this is perhaps a complicating factor if you drive.


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j6j9aww wrote

How the fuck is anywhere in Jersey City a good commute to LIC, much less the south end? If you're driving, you're talking Holland Tunnel through downtown Manhattan up the FDR and into Queens or all the way through Staten Island and Brooklyn on the BQE - those routes suck and are constantly congested. Not to mention an extra couple hundred dollars in tolls every month + gas and wear & tear.

If you're doing it by public transportation, that's a good hour+ each way even if you make all your connections between the PATH and the MTA. Why wouldn't you just get a condo in Elmhurst or Jackson Heights or North Corona or Forest Hills? The briefest of zillow searches shows plenty of them available for significantly less than that.


jotjotzzz t1_j6j9oz6 wrote

Live near the Path trains or the NJ transit trains.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j6j9ruo wrote

This is a terrible idea. The commute from JC to LIC is absolutely horrible, you should look on the other side of Manhattan.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j6jdp3y wrote

That listing history suggests this is a sketchy build. Bought the lot for $260,000. Listing suggests new construction. Listed mid last year for $900k, now < $500k. Investors are either taking a huge loss, or this thing is made of cardboard and a teenagers socks from under the bed.


Direct_Ad18 t1_j6jeayf wrote

Where are you moving from that you think Greenville is a better option? This is a bad idea, even if you weren't commuting to LIC.

Commuting to LIC makes it an even worse idea. Via public transit it's 3+ methods of transit, when timed perfectly, is over an hour. And driving? Unless you work off hours you are driving through 5 miles of local roads to get to the Holland Tunnel, then sitting through rush hour Holland Tunnel traffic, then driving across Manhattan during rush hour, then taking another bridge.... just... no. This is the worst idea.


Knobbies4Ever t1_j6jeuma wrote

I think a lot of folks in this sub would say Greenville (Cator Ave's neighborhood) is a "bad area." I'm not in Greenville, but not too far away - and my perception is that it's JC's least-gentrified neighborhood, with some pockets of long-time residents who look after each other and do a nice job maintaining their property, and other pockets that are sketchy with drug / gang activity.

If you and your wife have lived in urban areas before and are comfortable with that kind of mix - yeah, consider it. Otherwise, something in the Heights, Westside, or Bergen-Lafayette might be a better fit.


NJ_Bus_Nut t1_j6jlb99 wrote

Dangerous or not, I'm more concerned about your commute.


burrito__supreme t1_j6jrhi4 wrote

it’s prob about the same. i’d move to queens. the problem is you aren’t gonna buy something with multiple bedrooms for $500k or less in queens, and even if you could find something in that budget that meets your needs the vast majority of apartments (as you aren’t getting a single family/detached home for that price) are co-ops which generally have unique and unnecessarily difficult rules and financial requirements, making buying somewhat more difficult. not impossible but difficult.


Direct_Ad18 t1_j6jruuh wrote

I am not sure why you think Jersey City would be an easier commute than Staten Island to get to LIC, especially if you need to drive. You need to cross two rivers and travel through Manhattan to get from Jersey City to LIC. Have you checked Google maps during rush hour to get an idea of how long this will take? I suspect 2+ hours.

Edited to add: and if you happen to work off hours where there isn't rush hour traffic, sorry no luck there either as the Holland Tunnel closing 6 nights a week for the next 2 years. You quite literally will pass your current home to get home (LIC>Brooklyn>Staten Island>Bayonne>Jersey City).


IndividualBad9136 OP t1_j6js3xj wrote

We are doing the commute from Staten Island right now. Some people suggested JC was an easier commute than SI. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It says only 54 mins so idk I guess I thought that was decent. We were commuting from Easton, Pa which was about 2+ hr commute. Thanks for the feedback!


IndividualBad9136 OP t1_j6jssz9 wrote

Some folks at the job made the suggestion. Commute wise, based on google map in terms of time travel was a tad less for JC vs SI so just figured. But thanks for your feedback! This is why Reddit is helpful for me!


Direct_Ad18 t1_j6juwc1 wrote

There are very few areas in Jersey City where this commute would be fast, but Greenville is not one of them. Maybe I could see you wanting to do this commute via public transit from JSQ or downtown, though downtown sounds out of your budget - but I would never recommend ever going to Brooklyn/Queens with a car from NJ during standard working hours... It's just a nightmare.

And the Holland Tunnel closing complicates non-standard working hours.

Good luck, hope you find something that works out for you!


molly_watah t1_j6jv1vf wrote

Greenville is very much block by block. This block… not the worst, definitely not great.

I’d recommend driving out to see it on a Friday night and see how you feel about the neighborhood.

Btw this style build is common in JC. Price very much reflects the area (nicer area even in/around Greenville you’re looking at 600-700k per unit). Obviously without seeing it myself I can’t speak to build quality, but I imagine location is a leading factor in price.


Direct_Ad18 t1_j6k3130 wrote

THIS is the sleeper move. I'm mad I didn't think of it myself. But I'd only go this route on public transit - you'd fly to Port Authority in that bus lane in no time!

Driving though... having to cross two rivers and drive through Manhattan still sounds like torture to me. OP, if your work hours are off peak, this may be a serious option for you.


VinCubed t1_j6k6w38 wrote

Can you afford Bayonne? Yeah, it's not JC or Hoboken but prices here haven't jumped as high as the cities just north of here.


IndividualBad9136 OP t1_j6kef5i wrote

I’ll take a look over there too. Based off my responses from everyone. Commuting from the area perhaps may be a headache. I’m not to familiar with the areas of NY vs. NJ. But trying to get acquainted and I think this was a good start and eye opener for me! I really loath using google maps becoming I feel like oh so very often the times that are projected are not reality. Even with me living in SI it states should only take 45 mins but it take 1.5 hours. Thank you for your response though and will definitely look into it.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j6keok9 wrote

Don't forget that living somewhere in Queens will save you $5,000 a year in tunnel tolls and gas getting to LIC. Not to mention the years taken off your life by sitting in traffic.

The only other viable plan is to do what my wife did when we lived on the upper west side and she needed a car to drive around Staten Island where she worked. She left the car there on Staten Island and commuted by public 5 days a week bringing the car home on the weekend. I have a client who works in LIC and lives in Journal Square. He doesn't mind his commute, it's actually only about an hour door to door.


mad_dog_94 t1_j6km4ok wrote

yes. very bad bad not good at all. everyone who enters the house is shot on sight. sarcasm aside, this wouldnt be a good commute tbh look for stuff in queens or eastward


IndividualBad9136 OP t1_j6l7gxq wrote

Awe no, sorry I hope my post didn’t come off offensive. I was just saying like dangerous in terms of my kiddo playing outside and stray bullets catches them. I grew up around some rough areas and this did in fact happen twice in my life. So I just want to make sure my wife and child are safe just hanging outside on a nice day.

But Yeah, I think queens seems to be the best area in terms of commute and even price! Definitely gonna look there! Thank you, and again sorry if my post came off insensitive to the area.


mad_dog_94 t1_j6l812x wrote

Nah it's cool. I wasn't offended, I was just being sarcastic because we get a lot of people asking similar questions. This city has definitely seen a decrease in crime (though that would come with being priced out of the area). This city used to be kinda like that 20ish years ago but it's not like that now. The only part of my post that you should have taken seriously is the queen's and eastward thing because you'll save a lot of time commuting for basically the same rent prices you would see here if not less


Anonymous1985388 t1_j6lc389 wrote

What made you chose Staten Island? My buddy commuted from Staten Island to LIC daily and he said it was tough. I believe he took Staten Island railway to the Staten Island Ferry to the NYC Subway.

If you chose Staten Island because maybe you wanted something a little less dense in terms of population density, maybe you could look into Long Island: Nassau County?


alexCinJC t1_j6lneye wrote

My wife has family on Danforth on the other side of MLK and that particular area and the surrounding 2-3 blocks are safer than the rest of Greenville and getting better. JFK blvd is a very busy area and Danforth leads to a major commercial road, and can get noisy


Laraujo31 t1_j6n5m05 wrote

Triangle Park is up the block and it has been the scene of shootings this past year. Cops are stationed there though. That being said, that block is actually not bad. You are close to the lightrail and multiple bus stops. As for your commute, I go to LIC once a month and live in the Greenville area. It does suck but its not the end of the world. I have to be in the office by 7 am and leave around 4, so i am catching the beginning of rush hour. Driving in is easy but the afternoon sucks. I know a lot of people who work in Queens and live in JC and they do just fine with the commute (they use public transportation). Obviously living in queens would be easier but don't think commuting from JC is impossible. A lot of homes in queens are selling for over 600K so i can see why JC is an option.


IndividualBad9136 OP t1_j6nl1oc wrote

We loved Easton and the community. At the time we were not working in office everyday so we only had to do the commute like 2 to 3 days max. Then COVID happened and we were home full time for a long while but long story short company went bankrupt and had to get another job which is located in LIC. And it just wasn’t doable anymore, especially since we now had a baby, so we sold and moved to SI.


IndividualBad9136 OP t1_j6nrap2 wrote

Yeah, I think that was a really big thing for us is the affordability of JC compared to these others areas. I’d I didn’t have to do it every day and could take public transportation a few days I don’t think I’d mind as much. But right now hours are wonky and need my car.

Thank you though for your insight!


Laraujo31 t1_j6nwpge wrote

As others have pointed out you should take the cost of using your car (tolls, gas, etc) into account. But even after taking the cost of commuting into account, it is probably less expensive to live in NJ. Depending on your workhours, traffic may not even be that bad.

Best of luck!


IndividualBad9136 OP t1_j6p0v9a wrote

Yeah, I think perhaps I should try the drive a few times to get a better idea. But I do believe you’re right, in terms of expenses. I think it’s a bit cheaper but not as significant as one would hope. But, I guess that just nyc/nj for ya.

Thanks so much for your insight!