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bodhipooh t1_j4lbpkw wrote

My personal pet peeve is the lazy assholes that double park in front of an EMPTY SPOT! Like, dude, not only are you double parking and impeding the flow of traffic, but you are also blocking someone from being able to use that perfectly fine empty spot. I see it ALL THE TIME in JC, but never seen it elsewhere.


AlienVisionary OP t1_j4lje3g wrote

I see that all of the time... but especially in the morning with schools dropoffs... there's a spot to pull over, but instead they stop dead in the middle of the street blocking traffic, usually with a line of cars waiting behind us...


ahhhzima t1_j4m1u3e wrote

This is every damn day on Sussex where I live - parents stop their car any old place (and never in the designated drop off area!) and I get to hear a symphony of car horns for a good half hour.


Here_Her t1_j4ne40v wrote

Happens in NYC 24/7, can you imagine. It’s hell!


Saywhat50 t1_j4lbazt wrote

Why censor their license plate? Let the public shame them


Psychological-Ad8175 t1_j4lomb3 wrote

Big agree. They leave their property on public land. No need to provide any form of privacy that they themselves won't go about getting.

They can pay for private parking if privacy is a concern.


superpuzzlekiller t1_j4lhc5y wrote

That’s going too far.


The_Nomadic_Nerd t1_j4l5rsw wrote

But it’s ok, they put their hazard lights on, so they can stop in the middle of the street…/s

It drives me nuts. There’s this Hummer on my block that does this every Sunday. How about the cops start fining these people instead of jacking up our property taxes so much?


Lowkeylowthreadcount t1_j4ls5zy wrote

Nah dude they’re needed in full force on Newark Ave to stop people from biking on the pedestrian plaza


Jahooodie t1_j4l5ka4 wrote

I was expecting Philly style parking. Instead this is just clearly someone trying to get an insurance payout when someone side swipes their car, or someone who only cares about anarchy


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j4l6ct9 wrote

What is Philly style parking?


Jahooodie t1_j4l8v2d wrote

In some of the neighborhoods: You see that median there? Any hashed yellow stripes? Fair game park on it. Double park people in, honk your horn if you gotta leave until someone comes out to move. It's.... it's a chaotic culture impenetrable to outsiders, that I only am aware of second hand.


AlienVisionary OP t1_j4l67xk wrote

Or the car shut down perfectly there? Was trying to give them the benefit of all doubts


AlienVisionary OP t1_j4l70cz wrote

It would be a grand shame if an emergency vehicle or public service couldn't get through :/


Professional-Day9266 t1_j4msa3s wrote

Happens all the time. These people don't care unless it's their loved who's in the back of ambulance or their house is on fire. Where is the parking authority? They'd make a killing while also clearing up these streets.


Supersize_You t1_j4uswpt wrote

Good news is emergency vehicles can plow through these assholes if really necessary.


FollowMeKids t1_j4lb03m wrote

a broken side mirror would teach them a lesson.


ManchurianPandaDate t1_j4lhxgw wrote

In this city, there is no shortage of dog poop on the ground. Pick it up and rub it under their door handle. If you have a glove. Unless you’re just that upset and it makes sense to get shit on your hand.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j4ntb3t wrote

As would a broken neck teach a lesson to the person who breaks their side mirror. 🤷‍♂️


saltrifle t1_j4lcav0 wrote

A nice side swipe would teach them a lesson.


jaimelop t1_j4lc6vh wrote


The person is being mindful of the virtual bike lane.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j4nt0eg wrote

They're giving space to cyclists. Give them a medal, not grief.


isntnull t1_j4nt9j9 wrote

Honda - not surprised. 🤢