Submitted by lekzluthor t3_10mzspf in jerseycity

the DPW website says to contact your local councilman to get them added. i did that, creating a map of where existing cans exist and where i think we could use more. i want a backup plan in case it doesnt gain any traction.

i’ve also spoken to an inspector today and he claims the reason for lack of garbage cans is because people put their residential garbage in them. obviously closed/sorted garbage would be idea, but do they really think no garbage can at all is better?



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lmn82688 t1_j66oo3h wrote

I got lucky with my former councilman by emailing him and copying the mayor around election season. I’ve reached out to my current councilman a few times and had 0 luck on this and other issues


Jersey-City-2468 t1_j66som3 wrote

Yes! It took almost a year but I requested one via SeeClickFix and it finally got put in!


o-o-0-o-0 t1_j67ylne wrote

A neighbor complained to the city that people were putting residential garbage in the can outside our building, so they took away the trash can.


CherryMan75 t1_j676w3s wrote

I’ve seen acts of littering in the heights so many times and have wondered if it was because there was no garbage or simply the person is an asshole. I think it’s a combo of both but even with more trash cans, I think garbage will still be all over the street. It’s a shame.


111110100101 t1_j67sg2g wrote

Head up to Union City sometime, it’s completely spotless. The presence of trash cans makes a huge difference. But it’s a lot of labor to maintain them, and UC also has people going around all day to sweep the sidewalks. If Brian Stack didn’t have so much clout I doubt the city would have the money for it


CherryMan75 t1_j68oh5k wrote

Yup I’ve popped around in Union City and it’s night and day. Heights has the street sweeper running but they truly need people walking around and picking this stuff up