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Knobbies4Ever t1_j4pxcyb wrote

Call Parking Authority, have this car ticketed.


Moose459 t1_j4qbyq4 wrote

Ticketed? it should be towed


GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4qdw6f wrote

Stripped of everything internal, drained of fluids. Towed into the Passaic River to eventually become part of the artificial reef.


imaluckyduckie t1_j4qpyza wrote

On the WOTS app, there is an issue category for blocking the crosswalk. They usually respond within the hour.


GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4qw6r4 wrote

What is the WOTS app?


imaluckyduckie t1_j4qxwm1 wrote

On iphone or android. It's the reporting system that Jersey City Parking Authority uses for residents to report illegal parking and other things.


GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4r10i5 wrote

Cheers mate, downloaded

Edit: ooof these reviews ain’t good lol


spypol t1_j4r4a2r wrote

WOTS, even though it's a shitty app, still works very well once you posted the issue. Sometimes it takes a few tries to post, just persist.


imaluckyduckie t1_j4r74oy wrote

I've had much better luck reporting issues after the recent app update.


thirstyquaker t1_j4rfa4j wrote

Do they actually do anything? The other day I saw a parking authority person in a parking lot and asked them to ticket someone parked in a crosswalk directly in front, and they just blew me off.


Jpiff t1_j4rsza7 wrote

It depends on the employee. If they get enough complaints of the same nature they’ll do something because a supervisor will get involved. I’ve had so so luck with it. Sometimes they get there in an hour other times I’ve had them take 4 plus hours. I only know this because they send a notice when they close out your complaint


imaluckyduckie t1_j4x8ix8 wrote

Yes more times than not. If nothing else, it provides accountability via a digital fingerprint. An officer has to look at the complaint and any supporting photos and they have to dispatch an officer to the scene. They're tracked on how long it takes them to respond, and they are tracked on how they disposition the issue. There is no record created when you just talk to an officer on the street


whybother5000 t1_j4qa5ik wrote

Very common filthy habit. See it around my building all the time. And sometimes the genius is still sitting in the car looking guilty AF.


Bearfoot42 t1_j4qbtix wrote

Want to see why they call me 'The Keymaster' ?


doglywolf t1_j4qemln wrote

We all bee there desperate at 2am after driving around for 30 minutes just wanting to go home. But for god sake you have to move the car before the world starts when you do this.

And this one is egregiously bad! Like i get handing into a bit in desperation but this screams asshole - especially if they dont out at like 6am to move it.


GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4qsnq0 wrote

Oh dude totally. I completely get it. But yeah, get up and move your car ASAP


idkinfo t1_j4uqucl wrote

Falling asleep in the car 😭🫠


SonOfMcGee t1_j4qdqfp wrote

He will surely get a ticket if he’s in the way of the street sweeper.
If he isn’t, he won’t.


spypol t1_j4r518z wrote

You can also use the WOTS app (On iphone or android): it works and traffic enforcement usually shows up very quickly.


ceeyell t1_j4qjoxj wrote

I see this every single day -- seriously, every day -- at the crosswalk on Sip leading into the back entrance of JSQ PATH, near the bus area. Every SINGLE day a car is parked in that crosswalk. I've never seen a more entitled group of people in my life than drivers in Jersey City.


GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4qseks wrote

YESSSSS I commute out of JSQ too and see it ALL THE TIME and it’s like … why?


burlybroad t1_j4q8q51 wrote

Where’s ez towing when ya need em


spypol t1_j4r4y1h wrote

You can also use the WOTS app (On iphone or android): it works and traffic enforcement usually shows up very quickly.


Puzzlekitt t1_j5shrgl wrote

Wots has never worked for me! Thats for police issues not parking. The parking authority phone number has a specific department that handles calls for this and they send a ticketing cart pretty fast.


robin_tern t1_j4qc0wr wrote

Why don't they reverse a little and park before the stop sign where the crossing won't be blocked?



black_stallion78 t1_j4r1xzy wrote

That’s the legal way to do it. It’s supposed to be 30 feet from the stop sign……..


scubastefon t1_j4qfij6 wrote

There was prob a car there when they first parked. Why does thr “a few blocks from a school” part matter? I do t think it sucks any more or less when it’s near a school.


GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4qt8ks wrote

Because little kids having to dodge a car while there is regular morning and truck route traffic going, while people are pushing their strollers and wheelchairs, isn’t too cool man.

Being parked there also reduces visibility for folks in the vehicles looking to turn.

That’s why it matters. The people that need to use the crosswalk very much need it. This person decided that their shitty Honda was more important than people’s means of egress.


Jersey-City-2468 t1_j4qlb2b wrote

Because now you have school kids going into the street to get around this douche


adamatic_521 t1_j4uw0pi wrote

Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Yes, it puts school kids in danger but parking in a crosswalk also means this person is blocking an ADA curb ramp so anybody using a mobility assistance device is also being put in harms way. This is a complete dick move no matter where it happens. Also shocking to me that there’s a feeling that it’s fine to do this overnight so long as you move the car before 6 AM or something as if people never leave the house when it’s dark out.


scubastefon t1_j4uyxph wrote

That’s what I was getting at. I push a stroller pretty often and when the crosswalk is blocked with a car on a busier street it does actually feel significantly more dangerous.


dorkishj t1_j4qge2t wrote

This happens alllll the time where I live. And no one does anything.


spypol t1_j4r4rov wrote

Please use the WOTS app (On iphone or android): it works and traffic enforcement usually shows up very quickly.


jtweezy t1_j4t78c7 wrote

I use WOTS whenever someone parks in front of my driveway for more than an hour. The cops are usually there within 15 minutes with a ticket for them. It’s a great system.


idkinfo t1_j4uqs16 wrote

What section do you live in 😳?


Simple-Television-27 t1_j4qugrl wrote

Call the parking authority when parks this egregiously illegally. Easy google search


spypol t1_j4r4th6 wrote

Or use the WOTS app (On iphone or android): it works and traffic enforcement usually shows up very quickly.


crazylegsbeansie t1_j4qlapl wrote

Damn, looks like your house keys need some black paint introduced to them


glo46 t1_j4qcan4 wrote

Looks like he could've parked there all night smh


mastershake29x t1_j4r5c81 wrote

We know many drivers are terrible and will do this, it's also the city's fault for allowing this to be possible.


GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4rjx07 wrote

Agreed, enforcement needs to happen or the “rules” mean nothing


mastershake29x t1_j4rskq6 wrote

To be clear, I mean "enforce" by infrastructure. A curb bump-out should be built here post-haste in preparation for an entire intersection/road re-design.


Ashbrains t1_j4r71aj wrote

I see this all over Jersey City. Such selfish drivers.


Hank929 t1_j4qvmgn wrote

That's bad 😂😂😂


idkinfo t1_j4uqxch wrote

I mean it looks like Duncan Ave is getting safer.


Javesther t1_j4rz979 wrote

Call the parking authority or the police to have him issued . Send the picture to the mayors office , see if he cares.