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DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j4rqvud wrote

Food poisoning can hit anywhere from 6 to 48+ hours after ingestion. It's very easy to blame the last thing you ate, but it might've also been yesterday's breakfast.


Jctexan t1_j4rt1x4 wrote

This is the exact right response. No way to know for sure which food it was or even IF it was food poisoning vs a bug.


bdigital4 t1_j4rz67w wrote

This is the correct answer. People always go to the last place they ate. Even 6 hours is rare, it usually takes closer to 48 hours to feel the effects of food poisoning.

At least, please don’t post the name of the location here. You might be burying an innocent restaurant that will suffer when there is no proof they did anything wrong.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j4s9p22 wrote

Exactly this.

For a healthy person it’s normally not quick. Your body will try to deal with it quietly, most food poisoning is dismissed as gas, mild cramps etc.

Food poisoning isn’t a reaction to what you ate, that’s an allergy, it’s a reaction to toxins released by pathogens. Those guys take a while to get down to it.

This is why it’s so hard for the CDC to pinpoint outbreaks. Finding a common source for a last meal isn’t so bad. Tracking down 72hrs worth of food, where it came from for many people is crazy hard. I can’t imagine the complexity to trace shit down to some lettuce field in California.