Submitted by DanSaysHi t3_10ej34f in jerseycity

The title says it all; had a delivery from a spot downtown that I have had violent food poisoning from and would feel remiss if I didn’t report it somewhere so as to keep it from happening to anyone else. I can’t seem to find a number or form anywhere on the jc websites though. Does anyone know the best way to report this type of thing?



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DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j4rqvud wrote

Food poisoning can hit anywhere from 6 to 48+ hours after ingestion. It's very easy to blame the last thing you ate, but it might've also been yesterday's breakfast.


Jctexan t1_j4rt1x4 wrote

This is the exact right response. No way to know for sure which food it was or even IF it was food poisoning vs a bug.


bdigital4 t1_j4rz67w wrote

This is the correct answer. People always go to the last place they ate. Even 6 hours is rare, it usually takes closer to 48 hours to feel the effects of food poisoning.

At least, please don’t post the name of the location here. You might be burying an innocent restaurant that will suffer when there is no proof they did anything wrong.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j4s9p22 wrote

Exactly this.

For a healthy person it’s normally not quick. Your body will try to deal with it quietly, most food poisoning is dismissed as gas, mild cramps etc.

Food poisoning isn’t a reaction to what you ate, that’s an allergy, it’s a reaction to toxins released by pathogens. Those guys take a while to get down to it.

This is why it’s so hard for the CDC to pinpoint outbreaks. Finding a common source for a last meal isn’t so bad. Tracking down 72hrs worth of food, where it came from for many people is crazy hard. I can’t imagine the complexity to trace shit down to some lettuce field in California.


pmax2 t1_j4r8aln wrote

Have you contacted the restaurant? Seems like an obvious place to start to prevent anyone else from getting sick.


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_j4r8gb0 wrote

Stomach bug going around also.. you got kids?


DanSaysHi OP t1_j4rc0hb wrote

Yea I’ve heard, but no, no kids, and this was way more violent than any stomach flu I’ve ever had


mkc83 t1_j4segzx wrote

If it was violent, there’s a good chance it was norovirus. A truly terrible time. Read a little about it and see if you think that might be it. It’s super contagious and remains that way up to a couple weeks after symptoms pass and causes violent projectile vomiting and sometimes diarrhea. It’s often transmitted unwittingly by food service workers who have recovered from it but are still contagious.


ReturntoJC t1_j4uvkxc wrote

I also had some kind of stomach bug a couple of days ago. I thought it was food poisoning until the rest of my household also started showing symptoms. We definitely didn’t eat the same food. It sucked.


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_j4rqtoq wrote

Sorry to hear it


spypol t1_j4rrphn wrote

I had that stomach bug yesterday and gosh was it violent. My kid transmitted to 4 people so far, so even if you don't live near one, you might still have caught it through someone.


Hulk_Runs t1_j4sejeh wrote

You seem way too confident it’s directly caused by the last place you ate let alone anything you ate at all vs a bug. I hope you don’t give this business considerable grief on a wild hunch.


ILoveHotDogsAndBacon t1_j4r9gq5 wrote

Call the health department. Maybe other people have been getting sick from the same place


SadMasterpiece7019 t1_j4rjbfm wrote

Seeclickfix business complaint, they'll forward it to the health inspector.


Vegetable_River t1_j4vvwam wrote

There sure are a lot of doctors in this thread. Certainly hope you are feeling better.


PICHICONCACA t1_j54tpbu wrote

You’re an idiot.

It’s impossible to eat something and get sick right after unless you were poisoned.

And as someone who worked closely with health inspectors in Manhattan back in the day, it would take multiple people calling about the same problem. And not just one or two.

And Honestly did you wash your hands before eating?


KookyHeat7813 t1_j4riuc6 wrote

Im Wondering if it’s from the same place downtown that just happened to me as well


burlybroad t1_j4s1d1b wrote

Can someone share the name or do I just have to stop eating


Lilmitten82 t1_j4roza8 wrote

If you want to keep it from happening to anyone else, I suggest you start with sharing the name


TacoCityJC t1_j4rkujv wrote

Name and shame!!!!!!! For the people.
