Submitted by Blecher_onthe_Hudson t3_10etj4k in jerseycity

Wow, this is guaranteed to be a good time!

The New Jersey-bound side of the Holland Tunnel will close six nights a week for nearly three years to repair damage caused by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Port Authority officials announced Tuesday.

Agency officials said the partial closure will begin on Feb. 4 and run every night from 11 p.m. to 5:30 a.m., except Friday nights, when it will start and end later. The closures won't apply to Saturdays and major holidays.

The regular shutdowns will be in effect until at least the end of 2025.



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Jersey-City-2468 t1_j4tajzf wrote

I can’t believe it’s taken them 10 years to mobilize repairs from hurricane SANDY!


mickyrow42 t1_j4tg5mh wrote

say what you will about their politics but china would have this shit done in a year. Tops.


AugustWest7120 t1_j4tiqfr wrote

It could be done quickly, but how many men and women dying would it take to get it done Quickly enough?


murphydcat t1_j4vdbjn wrote

Lawyers and engineers need to do legal review and revise bid specs....SLOWLY.


rajonrondough t1_j4tgyum wrote

This is horrible. Anyone know if they’ll increase path service back to NJ during these hours? (I’m assuming no)


oatmealparty t1_j4twqgy wrote

To accommodate, path service will run one train every two hours, 33rd to Hoboken to JSQ to wtc.


Zulumus t1_j4tz5l9 wrote

So I can drunkenly get lost, nap while I wait for my connecting train and question my life choices. At least I’ll be warm


murphydcat t1_j4vdjsn wrote

You'll take your painfully infrequent off-peak PATH service and LIKE it, dammit!


mickyrow42 t1_j4tcfem wrote

Didn't we do this already?


Lowkeylowthreadcount t1_j4uxs1l wrote

It was the other side


gearheadsub92 t1_j4vz70u wrote

So…does this mean the inbound side will be finished when they start this? Or is it going to be both directions closed at night now for some time? I didn’t see any mention in the article about completing the first round…


lilintrovert104 t1_j4th8k0 wrote

saw a lot of shows in Manhattan/Brooklyn in 2022 on Wed or Thursday nights and the holland tunnel was almost always closed on my way home back to jersey. it’s horrible but I feel as if this happens semi often already


JohtoJaguars t1_j4tvw0j wrote

You’re 100% right. Sometimes have to work very early or very late (or both) in nyc, and when I first moved to JC the quick off-hours commute was a major perk…Nothing worse than getting off a long shift after midnight or waking up early af only to remember the closure and adjust. I’d prefer train, but work demands I drive. And I love JC, do NOT want to move into the boroughs lol


DubiousDude28 t1_j4vybp8 wrote

Whaaaat Union City palisades ave is lovely this time of year


Ilanaspax t1_j4vgin0 wrote

Agreed I definitely thought this was already happening pretty regularly on weekends - if you’re in a car they just take the Lincoln tunnel it’s so late you barely even notice half the time.


murphydcat t1_j4vdgj9 wrote

I experienced the same. I would rush out of the venue and speed across Manhattan to reach the Holland Tunnel before it closed at midnight. Seems like this is not a new development.


cr4z3d t1_j4t4s86 wrote

Damn this sucks real hard, at least Saturday is unaffected.


deaddabrain t1_j4urq44 wrote

Why don’t people want to come back to the office???


red__what t1_j4u3cgq wrote

10+ years and I keep hearing about Hurricane Sandy repairs.



JCwhatimsayin t1_j4t4aye wrote

Oh man, if they would let us ride bikes through there while the construction is happening, that would be awesome.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson OP t1_j4tdxq8 wrote

Yes of course, let you ride your bike through a 2 lane wide construction site. Why don't you send them a note?


JCwhatimsayin t1_j4tf5te wrote

Hey show me a part of Jersey City that's NOT a two lane construction site, amirite!?


jman457 t1_j4tcls7 wrote

It will probably 5 knowing how fucking slow everything moves here


spypol t1_j4tikur wrote

So more likely a decade


stf210 t1_j4u1yza wrote

But don't worry; we're spending 10 billion widening the lanes going into New York to help compensate. Somehow. For... Reasons.


el_barto_15 t1_j4up44a wrote

They should widen and extend the turnpike so people get there faster!


jpell14 t1_j4td15c wrote

This is actually insane


thebruns t1_j4vglea wrote

Fun fact: Theyve been closing one of the Amtrak train tunnels every weekend since Sandy for repairs.

Year 11 and theyre still "repairing" it. Its why weekend NJT trains are so bad.


iSkyscraper t1_j4vm0tc wrote

You would think they would pair this with an announcement about improved PATH service during this period to compensate, especially since THE SAME AGENCY runs both the tunnel and PATH...

... but alas, no.


datatadata t1_j4u2hse wrote

Sandy? That was like 10 years ago lol


centech t1_j4vbch8 wrote

So ignoring how much this is going to suck.. I also read it as there has been a serious problem with the tunnel for 10 years and they've been like "eh, we'll get to it..".


badjezus t1_j4toej2 wrote

Bruh this fucking sucks


mmmmyah t1_j4wik0p wrote

Just a reminder for late night commuters who want to avoid the PATH - take any bus out of port authority across the Lincoln tunnel to the first stop in jersey and Uber / lyft from there (it’s under 20 bucks)


nycdevil t1_j4y6l43 wrote

All you need to do to avoid the PATH is... go to the fucking PABT?

That's like saying all you need to do to avoid Tylenol is to use fentanyl instead!


mmmmyah t1_j4y776z wrote

Hahaha well late night pick your poison - the buses leave more frequently than the path .. midnight to 2:15 am it’s almost a bus every 15-20 minutes


Blecher_onthe_Hudson OP t1_j4yadi1 wrote

The trick to late night PATH use is timing. If you know the schedule for your stop, just get there 5 minutes beforehand and it doesn't seem so bad, even if you had to wait 20 minutes in the bar before you left!


dreggers t1_j514v6k wrote

Might as well bring a sleeping bag and sleep in the office


Alukrad t1_j4uf16o wrote

So, are people diving down to the river floor and solder some stuff?

Or what?


Imposter24 t1_j57oybb wrote

Do you think the tunnel just sits exposed on top of the river bed?.....


Alukrad t1_j58plp0 wrote

I'll be honest, i have no idea. Never invested the time to learn how it was made.


fastAFguy t1_j4vvhcc wrote

Yassssssssss!!! Maybe PATH will improve overnight service as a result…


Economy-Cupcake808 t1_j4uu4iq wrote

Maybe it’s unrelated but the last few times I drove through the tunnel there has been water dripping on my windshield. They’ve got some leaks that need fixing.

Also this really isn’t a huge deal just take the Lincoln at these hours it’s not a huge detour.


aa043 t1_j4wf64c wrote

Start posting signs and ads now. People will forget and be stuck trying to get home after midnight via unfamiliar routes when the remaining tunnel jams.

Expansion of access to Holland tunnel now makes no sense for a few years.


GoHuskies1984 t1_j4urkpg wrote

No big deal. Navigation will automatically reroute and there are already truck route signs that route to the Lincoln Tunnel.


Laterdays82 t1_j4w6tej wrote

One more reason not to go to Manhattan at night anymore. (Although, as someone else mentioned, it would be good if this motivates them to increase late night PATH service.)


Laterdays82 t1_j4xqei4 wrote

Why are people downloading this? Don't we all want increased PATH service? (Not saying this is a fair trade, just saying if they HAVE to close the tunnel, they may as well increase PATH frequency at night.)


101ina45 t1_j4tdqy6 wrote

Just another reason we're moving to NYC


DontBeEvil1 t1_j4txh1r wrote

Because everything on the transportation side of things is perfect in NYC. 🤔


mickyrow42 t1_j4usz8e wrote

Is the first reason cuz you like the smell of urine?