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mickyrow42 t1_j53svzw wrote

Everyone saying it's because it's winter -- it's not. It's the same in the summer -- just a vast dirt lot basically. 100% because the entire park is treated as a playground by families and the actual schools in the area.

HP neighborhood association does some great things, but this has been a big failing for a long while. Sections should be blocked off and remediated and then only certain areas should be reserved for the kids to trample. Yes, I get it your wonderful special little cherubs deserve to run and jump and play but also some people like to sit out in the park on actual grass, not hard compacted dirt.

I’ve also mentioned a few times the landscaping in general is pretty lackluster compared to a park like Van vorst which is very lush and vibrant. HP is just—open dirt. We have plenty of space for more planters and small garden areas with seating etc.


oatmealparty t1_j554j7e wrote

Van Vorst also has like, zero grass though.


mickyrow42 t1_j555wzi wrote

Def not huge open lawns but there are sections. point was more just van vorst feels very alive and lush with its little paths and nooks and crannys of greenery. Even with canopy as thick as ours it’s in way better shape and pleasant to be in. Like a park.


marullos t1_j56ahzt wrote

The Landscaping at van vorst was, is, all done and maintaimed by volunteers. If people want more gardens in other parks, they have the option of volunteering to make it happen.


mickyrow42 t1_j56coab wrote

It may be maintained by volunteers but Van Vorst did a $2million renovation to bring in those elements; people didn't take it upon themselves to build in the fountain, gazebo, gardens and landscaping. You don't just volunteer and do what you want.


objectimpermanence t1_j57yphh wrote

Isn’t that park mostly maintained by the Van Vorst Park neighborhood association?

I’m pretty sure there’s an organized group of people donating time AND money to maintain that park unlike most others around JC.

Anyways, it’s interesting to compare different parks around the city. The layout of Lafayette Park is very similar to Hamilton Park, but it’s wayyy underutilized and usually feels empty and barren compared to Hamilton Park, which ironically means that it has nicer grass.


mickyrow42 t1_j5anwm4 wrote

Is it not fair to question why the HP association isn’t capable of bringing in the same sort of attention and money? We going to act like there’s no money in Hamilton park?


Iamdonewithusernames t1_j58sggw wrote

Are you new here? HP had a huge renovation to make it what you enjoy today that we were barricaded for years to use.


mickyrow42 t1_j5an16q wrote

Nope. Been in JC going on 15 years and HP 6+. When was this massive barricaded reno?


Iamdonewithusernames t1_j58ruc9 wrote

Interesting, a park being used by by families and schools in an urban environment?! How dare they!! What about the dog only sections, they’re no better and most people don’t want to plop down for a picnic or have their kids play in an area where dogs are shitting and running free. They’re just as bad. Lack of sun and overuse by ALL. Thank your demigod Fulop for over developing and not having any foresight into infrastructure.


mickyrow42 t1_j5amw5p wrote