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GlassSharkLoveFatKid t1_jc4qfig wrote

I really hope this is still happening. Building looks exactly the same since the story came out.


Clevo t1_jc4vffv wrote

Right? Keep hoping to see just a little sign of construction.


ForgotTheBogusName t1_jc4xp7p wrote

If it does go there, I hope it stays. That location seems to have trouble but maybe it’s waiting for bagels.


Clevo t1_jc5cflm wrote

There hasn’t been anything there since before the recent property boom. Prior to that, Streat Burger and 56 West were trying to make it work during some of the darker days in our economic past.

It will be hugely popular with lines down the street, I’m sure of it.


ababbbbbbbbbbbbbbbba t1_jc860i0 wrote

This was posted in Jan 2022 scheduled for spring 2022, I dont think this is happening anymore :(