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DecadentEx t1_j932x3z wrote

How can anyone answer this without just saying, "Yes," then list their favorite first listens?

I'd probably list either The Cure's Disintegration, or * Selected Ambient Works I* by Aphex Twin.


AjaX99Nero t1_j936nwe wrote

Never heard it tbh but my favourite first listen has to be Eminem kamikaze, especially when it dropped at that time in the industry


Mineral_Sounds_ t1_j93bptc wrote

Voodoo is one of my favorite albums of all time. Hard to beat the cast of Virtuosos on that album, combined with D'Angelo's absolute brilliance as a front man. All that said, James Blake's self titled album hit me harder. Back in 2011, it felt like listening to the future of music. The composition, production, sparseness, and his voice combine together into beautiful textures. It's no surprise he's been a part of countless classics since (Beyonce's Lemonade, Kendrick's stuff, and many many more). Check it out, it's brilliant. Maybe you'll even get a bit of that feeling you got from listening to Voodoo


taylorlistens t1_j92x4jx wrote

in terms of first listen for full albums, these definitely skew more rap but I fondly remember Viktor Vaughn - Vaudeville Villain (MF DOOM), Quasimoto - The Unseen, and Madvillainy all blowing my mind when released because there was nothing else like them.


Montanabookclub t1_j93k616 wrote

Both OK Computer and Kid A did that for me.