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Not-A-Jawa t1_ix8dxio wrote

I have a youtube channel where I post some music, though things kinda broke down in October. That said, I plan to release one, or hopefully even a few Christmas songs in december.

I'm currently limited to using the piano roll in FL Studio, but I plan to learn how to play Keytar once I get the chance. There are a few low-effort things, like 10 minute versions of a couple of my pieces, which I posted for the sake of keeping up with a deadline I'd set for myself, so here are links to some of my pieces that are actually worth checking out.

Ice Dragon

Childhood's End(Iron Maiden Cover)

Battle Against a True Hero (Toby Fox/Undertale cover)

Pitch Black

Sinking Ship

Sunset Skylines

The Eyeless Marksman

Gardora Forest