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JAplays95 t1_j1g5ljx wrote

Bro look up Chris Liepe on YouTube he will help you a lot. Super good vocal coach


[deleted] t1_j1g5ylb wrote

I'll look him up, thank you for the advice. Though I did release a track today if you'd like to give it a listen. :)


JAplays95 t1_j1izf0b wrote

Sure! Where do I listen?


[deleted] t1_j1izu50 wrote
IF that doesn't work for you I also got a soundcloud.

My best track being Sweet Dreams.


JAplays95 t1_j1jhous wrote

Lot of potential in the bro, listened to both tracks. I definitely think you should focus on training your voice cause it’ll open a lot of doors. Some of the best all around music training you can do is ear training too!


[deleted] t1_j1jkjma wrote

Thank you that means the world to me... Because growing up people always told me I'd never make it as a musician because I just "don't have the voice" for it.

Yeah I've been on that ear training website almost daily... Hopefully eventually I'll get there. :D