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ilovespt t1_j6oi6x4 wrote

So Bandcamp Friday was on the horizon last year. I didn't know what to do so I stayed up for three nights and put together an album called "Junkies on my Doorstep". I actually sold a good handful of copies. Needless to say, it wasn't a proper 'release', yknow, with ads and majestic music videos, but I did start playing some of the songs live, including this one. It's called Toxic Friend. I played it with two keyboards and my one keyboard has some very cool features (as you'll see). I wrote it based on some ... ahem... toxic friends in the past, including one dude who stole my walkman (and then denied it). Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

I'll be posting a new live song every Tuesday on my YouTube channel fyi