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SaintLeppy t1_j9h0hiv wrote

Am I the only one who grew up with snow on the ground for months at a time? This whole 60 in February is unnatural in the first place


Crazytreas t1_j9h6zfc wrote

Yep. Remember the years where the snow wouldn't melt until April/May came around, and now I'm walking around in a t-shirt outside in the middle of February.


closerocks t1_j9hd2rf wrote

Yeah I picked up a tick in the second week of february. Hiking the summer is going to be tick hell.


UseDaSchwartz t1_j9ii9j1 wrote

And there was always a mountain of snow in a grocery store parking lot that didn’t melt until June.


Zagden t1_j9ixn9q wrote

This freaks me out a bit. We're not far away from having a generation of new voters who will have only heard about Massachusetts winter where the snow came down December/January and didn't totally melt until the spring months.

Everything is so different now. And there's still so many people saying it isn't, this is just the weather, or it's not going to affect anything.