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ThreeDogs2022 t1_j9c2ubn wrote

I'm pretty comfortable saying that in general, out of school suspension is

A. not a consequence for a legitimate trouble maker

B. simply allows school and staff to ignore the actual problem

C. Kicks the can down the road because the kid who can't stay out of trouble in school, who doesn't end up getting a good education because after x number of suspensions he inevitably drops out, simply becomes a problem for society in general

Don't get me wrong. I feel you. I 100% support school teachers, teacher's unions, and public schools. I *believe* in public education.

You wanna strike because your district has an unmitigated discipline problem? I'll be right there next to you holding a sign.

But you're making a mistake and conflating suspension with effective discipline. It ISNT. Evidence on that is pretty damn clear.

Bring in more staff. Make sure classes are small and paras are plentiful. Create an environment of mutual respect and trust. Protect the kids who really want to learn. But don't just kick out the problem kiddos. There's got to be a better solution.