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UtopianLibrary t1_j9ktr3f wrote

There’s no replacement for the consequence though. Schools don’t have the trained personnel to counsel these at-risk kids who probably need a psychiatrist and some type of medication.


Pointlesswonder802 t1_j9kwuik wrote

Most kids that get suspended don’t see it as a consequence. If you’re acting up so poorly that you require a suspension chances are that you don’t see being told that you’re mandated to skip school as a punishment


UtopianLibrary t1_j9lgobf wrote

Honestly, getting the kid out of the classroom for a day is for the other 25 kids in the room and the teacher. For example, if a kid was using abusive language toward another student or a teacher, having a breathing day without that kid in the room to possibly do it again is a much needed break for everyone.