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HaElfParagon t1_j7231jm wrote

Well, deregulate in some instances. I don't want landlords to have the ability to force tenants out just to hike rent 30% for the next person


relliott22 t1_j72fyg1 wrote

...And neither do I. But landlords do need to be able to evict people, and they do need to get a fair market return for their properties.

The regulations that I would like to see gone are the regulations that make it harder to build, but I don't pretend to be an expert on housing policy. I just know that the current problem is one of inadequate supply, and that rent control would exacerbate the problem.

We want the same things. It's just about what we think is the right road to get there.


han7nah t1_j72xkvh wrote

The increase isn't tied to any fair market return, their monthly mortgage is the same every month. The increase in rent is always way more than the increase in the costs of property taxes, maintenance, and insurance.


HaElfParagon t1_j72xmbs wrote

I disagree. I don't think "fair market return" is something that should be allowed when we have a homeless epidemic