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SouthShoreSerenade t1_j8jyaj0 wrote

Woburn teachers went on strike and got what they wanted. Government morons played that game of chicken for a whole week, but the workers refused to yield. Beautiful.

To all bad school "leaders" and the unqualified unintelligent government monkeys who prop them up - we're coming for you.


Bearawesome t1_j8kafd9 wrote

I'm willing to bet that at least 2 more districts will go on strike between now and April. It started with Brookline, Teacher Unions realized that all the gov't will do is threaten them.

Look at Woburn whose mayor was an exceptional idiot and tried pulling some dumb shit. In the end they still got what they wanted...


Rinleigh t1_j8kd63l wrote

Districts have been low balling teachers for years - providing them with a 1-2% raise after dragging on negotiations for a few years. And all the teachers are working without a contract. I think other districts are seeing the success of striking and thinking it’s a risk worth taking. These districts better start negotiating in good faith to avoid strikes.


niknight_ml t1_j8ktzqt wrote

Yep. Right around the time of the 2008 recession, a handful of school committees got it in their head (on the advice of their legal counsel) that the fact that teacher strikes are illegal means that they could refuse to negotiate in good faith. It has since expanded to being a statewide issue.