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ZebraAthletics t1_j8y5uvs wrote

Reply to comment by icebeat in Daycare prices by PrincipleLarge2118

Yeah, because daycare has to be a highly regulated industry and the liability is just enormous. It's really hard to see how it can actually be made more affordable. And subsidizing daycare isn't even necessarily a good idea because the economic benefit of another parent working often isn't more than the cost of the subsidy.


jpk195 t1_j8yiu5d wrote

> And subsidizing daycare isn't even necessarily a good idea because the economic benefit of another parent working often isn't more than the cost of the subsidy

Disagree. The benefit/pay over an entire career of just about any full time job will far exceed the price of childcare.

The problem is when the paycheck doesn’t cover childcare in the short term, and (generally women) are forced to drop out of the labor market.


[deleted] t1_j8ygbz6 wrote

The government could always offer a child care service… license fees to pay if you are the entity offering the services and can just not hire pedos.