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Notmystationbro t1_j9pgh9z wrote

Oh I’m stupid for calling out the elites who purchase expensive waterfront properties, who buy luxury yachts, use private planes etc while preaching to us how climate change is a threat and we should not be dependent on fossil fuels etc? Im sorry but I don’t give a fuck what these people say who don’t practice what they preach but some people like yourself take their words as gospel. Rules for thee but not for me is their motto.

Edit- FYI people don’t purchase real estate to lose money, especially ocean front property. It’s called an investment. Also he tells the public that the coastlines will be under water in x amount of years while purchasing waterfront property. You can’t make this shit up! 🤣


nixiedust t1_j9piebb wrote

Yup, you're stupid as all fuck. And don't spew are only taking someone else's word as gospel, not thinking freely. By all means, call out the elite, most of them are completely disingenuous. But you are only calling out half of them, sucking down rich GOP talking points and acting like they apply to poor lil' you. You're a partisan lackey when you should be fighting capitalism, therefore you are only helping the elite get richer. Neither dem or gop gives a shit if you drown, so why are you shilling for the very elites that would bury you and your family? You've been had so hard it's ridiculous. And now you are saddled with a property you'll still be paying for when it's gone.


Notmystationbro t1_j9piyq3 wrote

Why would I fight capitalism? I worked all my life to get an excellent job and have an awesome family. I have a great 401k and benefits. How has capitalism treated me unfairly?


nixiedust t1_j9plv0g wrote

wait, is this "excellent job" the one you mention working with dishwashers at? wtf excellent job would that be? jesus fucking christ low standards abound....floridian restaurant worker goblin line cook....dude.

just know someone out there is laughing at ya. Nice chat.


Notmystationbro t1_j9pmsol wrote

I work as a manager at a corporate restaurant but points for trying to project me as a low paid employee


nixiedust t1_j9pkld6 wrote


Okay, then, what's your fucking problem? Are you just pissy because some internet people said you made a stupid real estate move to live in one of the lowest rated states? Or because you don't agree with commonly accepted science? That's all it takes to rile you up?

I mean, I own a home in a much more desirable state and have saved well for retirement. Still concerned for the planet because I'm not an asshole and still think it's lousy you got suckered by a bank into a poor investment. But if you are happy with florida there's not much I can say...some just want less for themselves and the world.

p.s. just took a look at your post history and, unsurprisingly, you are a shitty racist as well. There's always a dogwhistle with you idiots. Hurry up and fall into the sea, already.


Notmystationbro t1_j9pn52w wrote

Says the crazy cat lady

FYI Florida is the top state people have moved to in 2022. 😉