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jp_jellyroll t1_j75676i wrote

>Mayor Gavin called the strike "disrespectful" to parents and taxpayers.
>"We’re working hard to get this done," the mayor said. "Teachers need to get back in the classroom where they belong and stop breaking the law.”

What a dick bag.


The-Shattering-Light t1_j75iprb wrote

He also publicly said to teachers “you’re all replaceable”, and has been showing up to negotiations over an hour late, and walking out early.

And he won’t directly negotiate, instead makes a representative act as an intermediary, talking to the teachers union then going to fill him in


Beantownbrews t1_j76glb9 wrote

What teachers are paid is disrespectful.


bostonguy2004 t1_j76jk62 wrote

Yup, Paraprofessionals, or "Teacher's Aides", only get paid $22,000 starting in Woburn.

Anyone know what starting Teachers make there?


Beantownbrews t1_j76l61k wrote

My mother was a teachers aid in a special needs classroom. This was a long while ago, but it still holds true. Underpaid work, and it could be physically and emotionally brutal work. Plus, you don’t want just anyone in that role. You need someone who knows what they are doing. How do you get and keep that paying so low?

The people who do that work are saints. The pay rate would make them martyrs.


The-Shattering-Light t1_j76l44v wrote

The low end of teacher pay is just over $50k


[deleted] t1_j7bmhrg wrote



The-Shattering-Light t1_j7brail wrote

“That’s them volunteering their time,” no it’s not.


[deleted] t1_j7bt8pu wrote



The-Shattering-Light t1_j7bu3hc wrote

It’s not “tacitly illegal,” in fact once teachers have accepting doing something outside their contract, it’s illegal for them to stop doing it.


[deleted] t1_j7bulfn wrote



The-Shattering-Light t1_j7bv9mu wrote

Section 9A;

“1) Service as a Condition of Employment

“Conditions of employment are defined as “not only those duties specifically mentioned in an existing or recently expired collective bargaining agreement (or personnel policies in effect for more than one year), but also those practices not unique to individual employees which are intrinsic to the position or which have been performed by employees as a group on a consistent basis over a sustained period of time.”[657] “


[deleted] t1_j7by1a3 wrote



The-Shattering-Light t1_j7ce54n wrote

No chance of being able to document?

You’re making arguments about things you clearly don’t understand.

Teacher’s run student clubs. Teachers stay after to help students. They answer emails after hours, do class planning after hours, grade after hours.

These are all things for which footprints exist in great numbers


Bearawesome t1_j76uppg wrote

All the teachers contracts are public record if you Google "(district) teacher contract" you can find the salaries. I found it yesterday but not right now. The algorithm is swamped by the strike.

But If I remember it correctly to make the 85k the people against the strike are whining about. You have to be a teacher for 8 years with a masters.