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biddily t1_j9niy38 wrote

We partially pay for the state parks through our tax dollars. out of state residents do not.

Do you know how hard it is to get a site at the good state campgrounds? Oh my fucking god. It's a NIGHTMARE. We have to have 7 people on 7 computers trying exactly at 8 am 6 months before we want the site (when the campsite goes live), and MAYBE one of us will get a site before they all get sold out. Its insane.


When we get there that summer half the sites are empty. People rent out for the week and only come for the weekends. Or they book it 6 months out but they want to keep it flexible so they later cancel when they make better plans or figure out what they're doing. Cause camping is still cheaper than everything else. In state or out of state. It makes booking and planning ahead for the summer SO STUPID for those of who know we want to be there.

I've been camping at Nickerson State Park in Brewster every single summer for 35 years now. Its gotten fucking INFURIATING to have to fight to book a site - compromise on a site we don't really want but we'll take what we can get - and then get there for 2 weeks and have no one around you. The ideal perfect site be completely empty but booked by someone who never showed up.

So yeah. Raise the price for out of state people if helps stop this bullshit from happening.


Cheap_Coffee t1_j9o0fya wrote

>We partially pay for the state parks through our tax dollars. out of state residents do not.
>Do you know how hard it is to get a site at the good state campgrounds?

Quoted for truth.


Figwit_ OP t1_j9odem3 wrote

Do you know how hard it is for New Hampshire residents to find campsites out our popular state parks in the mountains? They're always filled with people from MA. And yet we don't charge you 3X what it costs us.


exactlyw t1_j9omj6v wrote

maybe if you had a sales tax you could afford more state park amenities


Figwit_ OP t1_j9pecli wrote

If we charged what you charge for state parks, we'd be able to have in-ground pools with waterslides at every campsite.


AnyRound5042 t1_j9rdwdk wrote

bro you live in new hampshire. damn near the whole state is free camping as long as youre 200 feet from the road/trail and 800(?) feet from water. why the fuck are you getting so bent out of shape when you literally have a protected right to camp literally amlost anywhere in one of the most beautiful landscapes on the planet and you want to come bum it up in Massachusetts?


throwsplasticattrees t1_j9o9iex wrote

This is frustrating. If there a refund for cancelling a reservation? If the site is paid for and unused, is it really different than if it is paid for and used?

The problem is when the door is reserved and then cancelled without penalty.


biddily t1_j9ojiae wrote

The state uses reserve America, the federal camps site. A lot of the problems stem from the rules of reserve America.

They don't charge fees or penalties. It's the worst site ever. I wish the campgrounds stopped using them.


throwsplasticattrees t1_j9oo9kl wrote

I agree. I like the reservation system in general. First come, first served has it's merits, but can also be anxiety inducing to plan around. I feel like the reservation should be non-refundable to prevent space saving. It is very frustrating to arrive at a campground and find sites empty but reserved.

I've used a reserved site for a single night when rolling in late on a Friday night. It's like people reserve Friday for an arrival on Saturday. I don't do it out of habit, but when it's 10 PM and it's empty and I plan to be out by sunrise, I don't see the issue.


biddily t1_j9opggr wrote

I will say, I have booked an extra day on the back end (a Monday) because being packed up and out of a site by 11am is ROUGH. especially if you've been there for 2 weeks. Having the full Sunday to clear up and get out is ideal, and sometimes I'm willing to pay for the extra night for that. I do check out Sunday, so the site opens up if someone shows up wanting it for the nite. But I need more time than 11am.


tapakip t1_j9p3yi0 wrote

I don't think anyone begrudges you doing that.


tapakip t1_j9p3pir wrote

It is now 4 months before and 9am, but your point remains.


EzualRegor t1_j9pkqxq wrote

A good campsite can definitely make for a more enjoyable trip. Empty sites that are a massive upgrade sucks.


BlimeySlimeySnake t1_j9y4oge wrote

>Oh my fucking god. It's a NIGHTMARE. We have to have 7 people on 7 computers trying exactly at 8 am 6 months before we want the site (when the campsite goes live), and MAYBE one of us will get a site before they all get sold out.

Certain sites are only letting you book 4 months in advance now