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Elecrockcity t1_jad34l8 wrote

Do you see how your argument relies on personal attack for effect? The name calling, the straw man, the appeals to emotion?

Look at you, defending the state again like a good little statist. You’re being used. And then you’re pointing at me and crying, “blasphemer! Don’t question the state - they’re granting me agency!”


[deleted] t1_jad6ftq wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jad7gx0 wrote

Do you think that me calling you a statist is a personal attack?


[deleted] t1_jad7rhu wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jad7xxb wrote

You mean like when you called me a masochist that supports grandpa’s suffering a tormented death?


[deleted] t1_jad8c06 wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jad8l9a wrote

I didn’t argue against that point because it’s absurd. And you are correct, that was not you - my mistake.


[deleted] t1_jad98b3 wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jada3m0 wrote

Statist is not an insult any more than conservative is.


[deleted] t1_jadb9jf wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jadiags wrote

Are you implying that you know better than I my intent in using a word? I think that’s pretty absurd. If I wanted to use a pejorative, I would find one better than statist. I am simply making an observation, not an insult. You are defending state actions and assigning them moral superiority based only on the fact that the state decreed them. That is - definitionally - statism. You are an agent of the state and treat the state as an authority with moral superiority.
