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Elecrockcity t1_jada001 wrote

It is indeed English. But it is a different language. It’s like a software engineer and a car mechanic trying to tell each other what’s wrong with their respective machinery. They may have the technical understanding of the problem, but lack the shared language to communicate it to the other despite their competence in ability to understand.

Which comes back to my original point - stop abiding the destruction of language. It is driving a wedge between people that would perhaps otherwise agree.


[deleted] t1_jadb2rf wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jadhq76 wrote

Once again, you’re arguing for a point I did not make. My point has nothing to do with people euthanizing themselves - it’s the effort to manipulate the language used when talking about it. This is intentional, and it is breaking the shared understanding of concepts that can only be communicated through language. In this way, we have effectively begun speaking a different language from one another. I’m being as clear and as direct as I possibly can be, and you are still likely going to assert that I expressed an idea that I did not simply because you have accepted this update to the language code and I have not.

Nice diss on the car mechanic by the way, bigot.