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PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jaahv2c wrote

Smart idea and there is zero reason for anyone to be against it. Unless you literally just arrived from the Mayflower.


LackingUtility t1_jaawbs5 wrote

It’s a terrible idea. Most of the clientele of a dispensary would not be interested in strippers, so you end up reducing your patronage, not increasing it. Even the guys who would be interested will assume that prices will be higher than at the dispensary down the street, and there’s no alcohol or dancing to make up for it.

A night club with weed, alcohol, and live music would be a great thing. But a dispensary plus tits is like a restaurant plus tits - your market is a subset of the restaurant market, not a combination of “people who are hungry” and “people who like tits”.


SLEEyawnPY t1_jadpfru wrote

>"It may surprise you, but we’ve never had a shortage of employees who wanted to work at Castaways," he said. "I do think, some of our former employees that we’ve worked with would love to be involved with something like this."

What they mean is that some of their former employees have told them what they want to hear to stay in their good graces, on the off chance the owners come to their senses and re-open as just a regular club again.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jaawkxt wrote

You've made a claim, so now I am asking you to prove your claim. Please provide scientific research that the Venn diagram between strip club patrons and Dispensary patrons doesn't intersect.


LackingUtility t1_jaay5pi wrote

Happily, but first, you have to demonstrate to me that you understand Venn diagrams and Boolean logic. Because I’m arguing that the populations do intersect, but that the market is A∩B, not AUB. If you would please provide a paragraph on each type of set and a paragraph discussing their distinctions, I’ll supply the requested research. I’d hate to waste both of our time if you couldn’t understand, you see.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jab5yr7 wrote

Unfortunately that's not how a discussion works. The person who makes the claim, you, is the one with the burden to prove the argument. If I say "hey there are 150ft salamanders outside" it is my job to prove that statement, not to then require others to provide different information to somehow back up my original claim. 🤷


LackingUtility t1_jab9rpj wrote

And I willingly agreed to do so, once you prove your claim that you’d understand the research, since that’s in doubt based on the above. To use your analogy, you say there are 150 ft. salamanders outside, I insist you show research that the earth is flat, and you pause and ask if I’m an idiot and would even understand the concept of research, much less the specifics you’re asking for.

Accordingly, please provide the requested paragraphs. Once you’ve demonstrated that we’re having a discussion on good faith between reasonable people, I will present my research. If you cannot, I can only assume that we’re not having such a discussion, in which case I’m certainly not obligated to do all the work for you.


gooogwor t1_jadi1gb wrote

“Please prove scientific research that the Venn diagram between strip club patrons and Dispensary patrons doesn’t intersect” Lmao..


BU0989 t1_jabet1m wrote

There is 0 reason why anyone has to be topless to sell weed. Like seriously what’s the point?


blakflag t1_jacc43i wrote

Weed stores are on every corner here, and the rush is over. Some are already closing. I guess its "differentiation".


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jabih7v wrote

Because the business owner thinks people would like to see boobs while buying weed, and thinks some women would happily be topless while selling weed. That is the only reason he or anyone else needs.


BU0989 t1_jabiziz wrote

If you don’t regularly get the chance to see boobs just say that.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jabj72q wrote

Oh you are doing the internet thing where because someone has a different opinion than you, you mock them and make things up. Gotcha. 🙄 Enjoy it. Don't give them business. It's very simple.


BU0989 t1_jabjc0j wrote

No I just think someone so thirsty to see boobs is pathetic. That’s all.


Last_Eph_Standing t1_jachwnl wrote

I would love to see boobs when I buy weed. I love weed and I love boobs. I see boobs all the time, why wouldn't I want to increase the frequency at which my eyes get treated by boobs? Boobs would enhance the overall buying experience. It's literally a value-add proposition lmao.

The issue with this idea would be the harassment the ladies would undoubtedly be subjected to. I can imagine some creepy situations arising from this idea.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jabjktq wrote

Where did I say I was "thirsty" to see boobs? I said thet nobody should have a problem with this business existing. I don't even know where this town is because it's so far away from me. So I'm certain I'll never be there. I wouldn't drive more than 15 minutes to buy weed or see boobs. 🤷


qmccaffery t1_jabjqmt wrote

why the hell do you keep commenting then if you aren’t anywhere near whately? buzz off loser, it’s not like you’re gonna even give them your business😂😂


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jabjwbm wrote

Because this is a Massachusetts thread, and I live in Massachusetts. Why is everyone on the internet so sad and angry? What's making you so upset, friend?


BoostdmarkII t1_jabkaeh wrote

I think he ment in general not that your the guy who needs to see the tig ole biggies. From what i can read you two actually agree so now kiss and make up .

From... jerry springers nephews uncles coiuisns sisters brother only on the internet sometimes lmao


SLEEyawnPY t1_jadmmkv wrote

Yes, anybody willing to put up with 90% of the level of shit as some other kind of sex worker can make much better money doing something other than fucking RETAIL.

All these dispensaries and smoke shops are cut to the bone on staffing already to compete with each other on price. There's never more than one employee in any of them near me, and they can't be bothered to even stand up to do shit the vast majority of the time. Given what they're likely getting paid, I hardly blame them.


greenglasstree t1_jaamfgx wrote

I understand why some people have non-moral objections to strip clubs and legal marijuana shops. They lower the valuation of the residential housing nearby.

For example, some towns have or had in recent history a ban on liquor stores and/or fast food restaurants. There's nothing morally wrong with alcohol, marijuana, strippers, tobacco, lottery tickets, fast food, or NASCAR race tracks, but having these things in your town does bring down housing valuation, which is a problem for the upper and upper middle classes.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jaamzd6 wrote

The strip club is already in the neighborhood, so any affect it had on residential housing nearby has been dealt with. Marijuana is a legal product and business, so if that somehow affects your neighborhood anymore than the 10 liquor stores do, it's a problem with the people who live in that neighborhood. In the last 3 years, while marijuana has become legal, housing prices across most of the Commonwealth have skyrocketed.


StonksGuy3000 t1_jaanop5 wrote

I agree with your the majority of your point, but the last sentence is a bit superfluous. Housing is up significantly almost everywhere in the last 3 years, whether an area recently legalized or not. Might have something to do with us just printing trillions of dollars like it’s nothing


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jaao8js wrote

I'm speaking about the Commonwealth because that's where the story is from. We legalized pot, and during that same time housing prices, on the average, went up. I'm not saying they are related. I'm stating two facts.


StonksGuy3000 t1_jaaun3r wrote

Yeah, I got that. My point was that since they’re two completely unrelated points, it’s kinda weird to bring up the housing value part of it. Your post made it seem like it’s causal


Thesmratestguy t1_jaap93q wrote

It’s not much of a neighborhood. It’s out in farm country. When I was young we referred to this place as “porn in the corn”


zerotakashi t1_jaanlfk wrote

lowers housing prices and brings together laidback people? hell yeah
