Submitted by blindmike95 t3_10vk281 in massachusetts

I live in Enfield CT and work in Springfield. Looking for new doctors for myself, my wife, and our unborn child. Which hospital is best overall for primary care, pediatrics, and child birth? Considering Baystate, Hartford, and Mercy, although I’ve heard the most negative reviews of Mercy.



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OldBobKenobi t1_j7i02zn wrote

I can’t imagine it gets much better than Baystate west of Worcester. It’s easily your best bet of those you listed.


poprof t1_j7i4i9z wrote

Mercy sucks, can’t speak for Hartford, Cooley Dick has a new partnership with Mass General.

I use Baystate and they did a good job on a pretty major surgery as well as the birth of all my kids.


Ineluki_742 t1_j7ie42p wrote

Baystate is king. CDH was not great for awhile but I hear its better since the new partnership


p53lifraumeni t1_j7ir77s wrote

Cool Dick is pretty solid for day to day stuff like this.


mcgoogz t1_j7iznvh wrote

I was born in Cooley Dickinson and it was a positive experience


Hoosac_Love t1_j7jjbc7 wrote

Baystate no question although Berkshire medical is pretty good


sporky211 t1_j7jmqfb wrote

Like others have said in the Western MA area you wont get better then Baystate especially with all their referral systems and their patient portal is super easy to navigate and get responses from their customer service


mousegriff t1_j7jpys9 wrote

Baystate without a doubt, especially with an unborn child. I delivered my baby there and had a great experience. I also got most of my prenatal care there (switched from Cooley because I was not happy with their treatment of a potentially serious medical concern). Absolutely no frills at all, but the only place I'd trust with my care in this region.


ZaphodG t1_j7k5du5 wrote

I think you’re asking the wrong question. You need the best primary care physician, OB/Gynecologist, and pediatrician in your area who is accepting patients. Other than childbirth, you’re unlikely to set foot in a hospital.

Healthcare in Hartford is generally better than healthcare in Springfield. It’s far more affluent. It is a top-20 metro for median household income. It’s easier to attract strong physicians. The Medicaid mix is better. It has a medical school and teaching hospitals.


liquidgrill t1_j7ke6zc wrote

I feel like Baystate has the best quality, theoretically. Their problem though is that they always seem to be ridiculously overcrowded.

The best experience I’ve ever had, by far, was at Holyoke Hospital. Went in with a collapsed lung for a few days and there was legitimately a nurse stopping in my room every hour on the hour to check my vitals and give me another in an endless series of mobile X-rays. They were all over me so much that I actually began to believe that I was in much worse shape than they were telling me.

The care there was so good that the one time something happened to me since that time, I requested to be taken there without hesitation.

Meanwhile, I live in Westfield. Unless you need an aspirin or a couple of stitches, stay far far away from Noble Hospital. I don’t know a single Westfield resident that doesn’t have a horror story about that place.


FrostBellaBlue t1_j7mtx2o wrote

Definitely Cooley Dick 💖 Most of my family has been born there! My grandmother worked reception, including the night I was born!


Relative_Professor48 t1_j9u3wo2 wrote

Bay State is probably your best option booked for the love of God do not go to BMC