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lucascorso21 t1_j95u7c0 wrote

I’d say I’m waiting for the day that my kids are outta daycare because its basically just paying my mortgage again, but it’s just gonna be putting that same almost away for their college education. The continued rise of that cost is utterly terrifying.


Lawlesslawton OP t1_j95z6nk wrote

I feel you man daycare is really expensive. We are paying 1.6k a month. It's crazy. That's for 4 days a week.


lucascorso21 t1_j962lat wrote

Oh I believe that. I have two little guys; one who just moved up to first steps (4 days/week) and another who is almost done with daycare (5 days/week). It’s approximately $3.4k/month.

My wife and I make good money, but it’s over $7k a month for just the mortgage and childcare. Doesn’t even touch groceries or utilities or a car payment or anything else.