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thewags05 t1_j7n37yk wrote

I bought a house with cash after I sold my current house and they asked for proof I have or at least would have the cash


Rockefor t1_j7niimk wrote

The guy who commented that saw a viral tiktok video that said you could do that. I asked my realtor if we could do that and he told me "absolutely not".


thewags05 t1_j7nlc6b wrote

Even if you could it would be pretty risky. If for whatever reason you didn't end up getting the mortgage you'd lose your deposit at a very minimum. Worst case you would end up being sued.


wittgensteins-boat t1_j7nll38 wrote

It is fraud to do so. Representing facts that are not true.

The seller can sue you for damages, and misrepresentation and for halting a sale that you could not fulfil on.