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ButterAndPaint t1_j7rq9lj wrote

If you couldn’t save money on that salary with that rent payment then your budgeting skills are total garbage.


BrokedownAlice69 t1_j7u0uwf wrote

No me and my ex weren’t really of the saving philosophy but would rather enjoy the days we know we are going to be living, young, and healthy. So we traveled a lot. I’ve been to just about every state and 8 countries. We smoked and drank a lot along with a lot of other party favors, and we liked an expensive dinner every now and then.

Living like that off of two 60k a year salaries in Boston and you really aren’t ever going to save money. You could live like a hermit, eat ramen and maybe save 1k , I’ve lived like this since and it was not that hard for me, but definitely would be hard for my ex. Never ever move into a house that is heated with oil too. So fucking expensive