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PabloX68 t1_j7nfkz7 wrote

You're at fault. The person in front wasn't break(sic) checking you, they were braking because it's a yield.

Learn to drive.


Alarmed_Stuff t1_j7nftni wrote

Thats true. Thank you sir. Yes they were yielding to no cars. Thats true. I believe you was with me in the car.


PakkyT t1_j7nr7lj wrote

You were approaching a yield sign and as the second car in line your only job was to maintain a safe distance from car #1 who might yield at a yield sign.


Bobbydadude01 t1_j7ovl2l wrote

They are allowed to stop and look for cars in order to enter the intersection safely. Learn to drive.


HanSoloWolf t1_j7qsad7 wrote

You're at fault when you rear end someone. Whatever excuse you make for why it happened is essentially irrelevant. The idea if you were following the 2 car lengths rule you'd have plenty of time to break.