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Positive-Material t1_j7obrb2 wrote

i rear ended a businessman who was friends with cops.. he did a little chit chat with the cop, and the cop came and told me i had 7 days do file the accident report.. well turns out it is only 5 days, so because i missed the deadline by a day, the judge made the accident go 50/50 for the fault, even though the guy in front of me was at fault because he stopped all of a sudden and caused the accident


ImProbablyHiking t1_j7ph6zb wrote

You should always be prepared to stop in time for ANY REASON for the car in front of you. This type of accident is 100% PREVENTABLE, and should have been 100% your fault.


mikemerriman t1_j7peeec wrote

his stopping didn't cause the accident. you hitting him caused the accident....

His stopping does not make him at fault AT ALL