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PabloX68 t1_j7nfkz7 wrote

You're at fault. The person in front wasn't break(sic) checking you, they were braking because it's a yield.

Learn to drive.


Alarmed_Stuff t1_j7nftni wrote

Thats true. Thank you sir. Yes they were yielding to no cars. Thats true. I believe you was with me in the car.


PakkyT t1_j7nr7lj wrote

You were approaching a yield sign and as the second car in line your only job was to maintain a safe distance from car #1 who might yield at a yield sign.


Bobbydadude01 t1_j7ovl2l wrote

They are allowed to stop and look for cars in order to enter the intersection safely. Learn to drive.


HanSoloWolf t1_j7qsad7 wrote

You're at fault when you rear end someone. Whatever excuse you make for why it happened is essentially irrelevant. The idea if you were following the 2 car lengths rule you'd have plenty of time to break.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j7n65aw wrote

Pay your dad to cover his costs. It’s the decent thing to do.


Alarmed_Stuff t1_j7n6l6o wrote

I did. Absolutely. My question is more focused on my insurance rates.


jkjeeper06 t1_j7n7fd9 wrote

What was the ticket reduced to? Same failure to yield charge or something else? If it is still a failure to yield, thats a moving violation and you got points on your license. This will result in higher rates, especially for a younger driver


Alarmed_Stuff t1_j7n7mat wrote

20$ for same failure to yield yeah. Im 28. Im really worried. And the crazy part is 2 weeks before i was backing up leaving a concert when i hit a concrete barrier and the insurance found me more than 50% responsible. So im literally worried that 6 years of drivinf and in 1 mo th i ruined jt all.


Username7239 t1_j7n8m4y wrote

If you back into a solid object I'd have put you at 100% responsible.


jkjeeper06 t1_j7nach6 wrote

You definitely hurt your driving record but you are far from uninsurable, so you can come back from this. Your insurance is going to be more expensive, but it's not like you got a DUI or killed someone. I got 2 large speeding tickets within 6mo of each other when I was in my 20's. Eventually, it goes off your record - you just feel the pain for a little bit


Alarmed_Stuff t1_j7namaw wrote

Like right now im paying 125$ every month for 6 months policy do you think it will be like 400$/ month? Not sure... i can always shop around for the best rate though


jkjeeper06 t1_j7ncu2x wrote

Probably not, thats nearly a 300% increase. Mine went up by ~40% with my 2 tickets. You can and should shop around, but don't skimp on coverage just to fit your budget.


Positive-Material t1_j7obyci wrote

failure to yield isn't a big deal.. did you really have a failure to yield? you should really be weary of cops most of them are abusive and are actually corrupt and many of them are literally dangerous criminals.. now you should keep a big enough distance between you and the next car so you don't rear end someone if they stop unexpectedly. it is okay, relax, your insurance won't go up much. if you had an accident on your record, then it would though. but the accident may be on your dad's record.


mikemerriman t1_j7nmj28 wrote

It doesn’t matter what the car in front did. You hit it. You’re 100 percent at fault and will get a rate hike


PISS_FILLED_EARS t1_j7o6be2 wrote

You shouldn’t have been so close. There is no scenario where you are not at fault here. Stop driving so close and stop driving so aggressively. You are a danger to others on the road - evidence being you literally hit another car. Cars can break at any time for any reason, it’s up to you to not be so close behind that you don’t have enough time to react. If you have slow reaction time, leave more space. You’re the asshole, kid!


Positive-Material t1_j7oc367 wrote

nah, if you keep a good distance, cars get mad and start driving around you which makes it more dangerous.. the cops can even stop and question you for doing it.


PakkyT t1_j7nqzgk wrote

Knocking the price down on a ticket has zero effect on points on your driving record. A ticket is a ticket and is not in any way "weighted" but how the ticket cost at the time.


Pbjamandtoast t1_j7px34n wrote

Hi, insurance adjuster. You’re 100% at fault for a rear end collision. As everyone else pretty much listed, failing to yield, following too closely etc. your rates will go up because you’re at fault, but it depends on how much in damages were paid out in correlation to how many points you’ll get.


saywhat1206 t1_j7neboj wrote

I rear ending someone once (they stopped suddenly and had no break lights) but I was still at fault. I received 2 points and my insurance went up slightly.


JohnPooley t1_j7qg8n2 wrote

No brake lights you should have had the cop cite them on site


saywhat1206 t1_j7qjdoy wrote

The office did give the other person a citation, but I was still found at fault because I was the "last car in line". The person without the break lights hit the car in front of him, and then I hit that person. Worst part was, I just paid off my car the day before!


BAMFA1812 t1_j7pg2iq wrote

It’s always a good idea to put your phone down while driving.


TKInstinct t1_j7qfh0e wrote

My #1 rule, stand back one car length per every ten miles an hour you're going for safe distance. More in incliment weather.


soh_amore t1_j7qjaou wrote

Get a dashcam before dashing your car ‘accidentally’ lmao


Positive-Material t1_j7obrb2 wrote

i rear ended a businessman who was friends with cops.. he did a little chit chat with the cop, and the cop came and told me i had 7 days do file the accident report.. well turns out it is only 5 days, so because i missed the deadline by a day, the judge made the accident go 50/50 for the fault, even though the guy in front of me was at fault because he stopped all of a sudden and caused the accident


ImProbablyHiking t1_j7ph6zb wrote

You should always be prepared to stop in time for ANY REASON for the car in front of you. This type of accident is 100% PREVENTABLE, and should have been 100% your fault.


mikemerriman t1_j7peeec wrote

his stopping didn't cause the accident. you hitting him caused the accident....

His stopping does not make him at fault AT ALL