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DeathGrover t1_j9f8l2l wrote

I was the Foreman on a murder trial here in the Commonwealth back in ‘08. One of the contentious points was that a fight was initiated, and the person who started it swung but missed. According to Massachusetts law, that means that you are actually allowed to defend yourself, even though the person didn’t make contact. In other words, if a person in Massachusetts takes a swing at you, that alone is enough to rightfully, defend yourself. I don’t know if that’s what you’re looking for, but there it is.


darksider54 OP t1_j9fasyn wrote

That is good to know, but not exactly the reason I ask cuz someone was antagonizing me really aggressively not like you said a mean word. More like come hit me bro, come do it, and when I walked away they kept following me saying to attack them, and just f up stuff, also that if I attack they will get a knife on me. I know they just wanted to get a rise out of me to attack. I just wasn't sure if i would get in trouble or not? Sorry for the stupid question


saintmusty t1_j9fv1b7 wrote

You wanted to know if you'd get in trouble? It sounds like you'd have gotten a knife in your belly