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Quincyperson t1_j7qta70 wrote

You win $50 every time you don’t play


poppinfresco t1_j7rg81n wrote

Holy crap this is better than ever! You mean now, by not buying scratch tickets, I can win up to $50! Usually I just win $5 every single day by never scratching


ChainmailleAddict t1_j88oz6p wrote

This is unironically the best way to think about things to be frugal. Going to a restaurant? Would you take 35 bucks to not eat that single meal?


United-Hyena-164 t1_j7qwzwp wrote

Not sure how much I can win, but I KNOW I can lose $50 if I buy one of those.


JaKr8 t1_j7u0dhj wrote

But you lose on 100% of the scratches you don't make!...

Or should that be "win" on the scratches you don't make?....


AbsentThatDay2 t1_j7s0n10 wrote

When I was a kid my father was a very troubled alcoholic. I was visiting him one day and we happened to go to a liquor store, he may have been buying something to drink I can't remember specifically. But we're waiting in line, and all these people are in front of us buying lotto.

He says "Son you know what you call that?", pointing to the scratch off tickets. "That's an idiot tax." I took it to heart being an impressionable kid wanting to make him happy. I've never bought a scratch ticket to this day.

Drink like a fish though.


DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j7qsgif wrote

Heads, you win twenty dollars, tails you lose fifty dollars.

No thanks.


kitttypurry12 t1_j7vvniy wrote

Not disagreeing with you, these seem like a great way to burn thru your money, but if you do win on a ticket, it’s at least $100.


roadtrip-ne t1_j7rxxqx wrote

On a $50 ticket they give you a higher chance to win $25 or $50 so you’ll go back and buy another one- and then lose


rakdoc t1_j7spjiz wrote

The lottery is the tax for the poor


Conscious_Home_4253 t1_j7r8udc wrote

Chances to win are 1 out of 4. If you do win, it’s at least $100.


PakkyT t1_j7ro5ru wrote

Yep so in the long run you will win back about $100 for every $200 spent.


TKInstinct t1_j7rfv0d wrote

Just wait till we tell you about how much you can lose.


Robmed85 t1_j7qvema wrote

Am buying 6 of these shortly.... It's the best way to think you'll end up a millionaire.


mattgm1995 t1_j7qwzjb wrote

Aside from investing 10% of your income in a retirement account and working for 35 years, you’re right


Shemsuni t1_j7qx77p wrote

Scam for SIMPs


Easy-Progress8252 t1_j7r67bi wrote

Someone somewhere should do the math and figure out how much to buy to have a > 50/50 chance of recouping the investment plus some. It won’t be me.


Zilreth t1_j7r99i2 wrote

I can save you the math, buying lots of them will lose you an average of 18% of your money


joedaddy8 t1_j7rdps3 wrote

I think OPs intended question was, how many ticket you need to buy to have a 50% chance of hitting the jackpot at least once


2nd-Hand-Butt-Plug t1_j7rs1tw wrote

And I thought the $20.00 ones when they came out was absurd. People must be buying them though because the lottery still prints them.


-Horatio_Alger_Jr- t1_j7sm0hx wrote

The state does not have your best interest at heart. You are just a means to redistribute wealth into the system. Lottery is just a glimpse into this system. There are many avenues that are disguised better.

We have failed to educate ourselves.


itsyounotmeithink t1_j7vpgyy wrote

The tickets are designed as a trap according to the payouts.


DawctorDawgs t1_j7we9b7 wrote

Clickbait headline for an article on how much money I can throw away? No thanks!


peteypaaaablo t1_j7vnbx7 wrote

For what it’s worth, this is perfect example of the fraudulence of the people running this state. The rainmakers on Beacon Hill go overboard to try and paint themselves and Massachusetts as ultra compassionate & progressive, with the “Brahmins” virtually unanimously working to craft their individual reputations as champions of equity and justice who fight tirelessly against enemies like the right wing and the 1% on behalf of the most disadvantaged members of society, people who the deck is stacked against that really do need help to have a serious chance at breaking out of the generational cycle of poverty and impossible choices that so many people are stuck in starting at birth. Then either by participation or simple inaction they bring a $50 dose of cardboard crack scratch ticket to market that is expected to generate $1.5 BILLION by serving as an extralegal tax collected via tempting the most vulnerable, desperate people in MA with dreams of an instant fortune that will be split by the commonwealth’s individual towns to use as they see fit, with zero earmarks to direct the town’s spending. People may argue with this, and I’d love to hear a well reasoned defense of $50 scratch offs. As a libertarian leaning MA resident my stance historically was that if fellow residents wanted legal scratch tickets then the government shouldn’t stand in their way, but this has been taken to such an extreme that I’ve reevaluated my position.


Responsible_Smile789 t1_j7y4zbt wrote

Dont play the lotto then, it is every individual’s duty to be aware of what they buy. You can tell these people that the odds are stacked against them but if they were willing to spend it on the lotto they will end up spending it anyway on the next person/business trying to get money from them. Like my grandmother she wastes so much money on lotto tickets despite losing overall just trying to get the next elusive 500, $1000 win. If she doesn’t spend it on them she wastes it buying useless items. Everyone has to be responsible for themselves. Inform others let them make their own choice


PorgCT t1_j7s1g9l wrote

CT has a $100 scratch off.


Robmed85 t1_j7qzvu6 wrote

I already invest some of my money and contribute to my sons college fund and my 401k...

This is just for gambling lol
