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elemenopppppp t1_j9hyqhj wrote

Yes 100%! Every time I’ve fought a ticket I’ve won because the office never showed up. If you were respectful they probably have better things to do than go to court. If you were not then they will go. If even consider a traffic lawyer. I’ve seen far too many times people walk into court to fight a traffic ticket and then admit guilt and say sorry I was doing this or that. You are there to prove innocence. 7 years on your license with added points on your insurance is a horrible deal for paying a ticket and not fighting it. Take the court date


lionkingisawayoflife t1_j9j8igx wrote

THe officer not showing up thing doesn't work any longer thanks to the pandemic . Now they do a lot of hearings Virtually and you have no choice but to come do the online virtual hearing or you lose and pay in full. About the best that usually happens is they cut the price of the ticket down in half or so, but they still find you at fault.


walterbernardjr t1_j9jf0kr wrote

I’m surprised by this because typically police officers are required by their department to show up, quite literally it’s their job. Not only that, typically they get paid overtime to show up to court. I haven’t heard of this happening in many years.