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Mary55330 t1_j98lp4g wrote

If you have to commute to Cambridge once in a while would any of these actually work? South Hadley to Cambridge is almost 2 hours in moving traffic. Gosh- even from Framingham it’s impossible to get to the city (or an absolute time consuming pita driving)


kob424 t1_j9adewq wrote

I look at it as if you are doing it once in a while like OP said, it's not a big deal. You could almost make a little trip around it where SO meets them for dinner after work. If you did it 5x a week, then sure. I would just pick better towns.


nkdeck07 t1_j9ar51t wrote

My husband actually makes very close to that commute a couple of days of the week. Not fun but it's not horrific. If it was like one day a week or less I'd call that very doable.