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SharpCookie232 t1_j9ayzg2 wrote

There is a lot of affordable housing for the elderly in MA, but it tends to have a long waiting list. I would find out about several local housing authorities in their town and the surrounding towns and get them on those lists. Then get them signed up for whatever other benefits they qualify for (you want to maximize money coming in and minimize money going out because you're getting them ready to move and you need to have a hard look at assets and income to do this optimally). Be sure that their paperwork is in order (health proxy, will, maybe even power of attorney). Then talk to a lawyer about how to sell or write off the house and move them in a way that impacts you the least and gets them the most value -either $$ for the sale (the land has some value, even if the house doesn't. all land in MA has value). You really want to consult a lawyer on this part, because there are so many tricks and loopholes and you need to get it right. Also, please talk to your local senior center, and if the one in their town is not great, find one in a nearby town. Senior centers are plugged in to elder services and all the other government agencies as well as Medicare and Medicaid. They can give you a lot of advice and put you in touch with the right people. Plus, check your regional Elder Care service agency - they can provide you will a lot of help too. Good luck, it's a long road.