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ManWithTheCats t1_j8hkni7 wrote

It appears the dude’s brain isn’t functioning properly. Anybody who circulates that kind of goofy shit shouldn’t be in a position to make decisions that can affect anybody’s life.


Hen-stepper t1_j8hvxkp wrote

Anybody without a law degree, aka you, is in no position to make any recommendations about who is to remain a judge or not.

Have you seen his resume? Spoken to his references, interviewed him? Nope. What were we saying about proper brain functioning?


BlaineTog t1_j8hys64 wrote

I mean, you really don't need to know anything about someone other than that they believe this kind of shit to know that they have cottage cheese where their brain should be.

Also, this is a weird hill for you to die on when it's not just random redditors saying this guy is unfit to be a judge but the state's highest court after looking at his resume, speaking to his references, and interviewing him.


Visible-Education-98 t1_j8i59ww wrote

You, my friend, are the MOST dangerous judgemental type there is with a statement like yours “You don’t really need to know anything about a person other than that they believe this kind of shit to know they have …”. Just imagine if we all went around applying your logic for assessing a person’s intellect. WOW! Scary.


BlaineTog t1_j8iaaim wrote

Friend, I am being charitable here. If someone can't stop spouting absolute nonsense, especially when their job requires them to appear neutral and rational, the options are, "idiot," or, "asshole." There's no third option there. Sorry, I'm just calling it like it is. I don't mean to offend your delicate sensibilities.


NativeMasshole t1_j8icejr wrote

Kind of like when right wing news outlets go around spreading claims of fraud and corruption with no evidence?


Visible-Education-98 t1_j8ih8xa wrote

get Real


NativeMasshole t1_j8iu4hl wrote

Real like the evidence for election fraud that Republicans have never been able to show in court?


Visible-Education-98 t1_j8js5rc wrote

Please go find something a little more constructive to do with your time rather than picking arguments with people on Reddit. You are obviously a very angry person


Victor_Korchnoi t1_j8k5egq wrote

Lol, you are the only one here who seems worked up. Go sit on your thumb


adamdreaming t1_j8j3zbz wrote

Pretty sure the most dangerous judgmental type are mass shooters, not people that laugh at idiots that fall for low quality propaganda


Hen-stepper t1_j8hz9st wrote

Yes, one does need to know about the person. It sounds like you simply want to control people.


BlaineTog t1_j8i016g wrote

Hey, what about, "one does need to know about the person"? You don't know anything about me, my dude, yet you're diagnosing my real motivations off a brief post on reddit? Make up your mind! You can't even avoid contradicting yourself for one sentence, which is honestly impressive.

Also, are you going to address that the SJC agrees with us, or nah?


Hen-stepper t1_j8i3crk wrote

Excuse me, but the contradiction is entirely yours. I have had an entire discussion with you and I am addressing each point. You are extrapolating everything from a screenshot of a Facebook post.

You said that one does not even need to know about the person’s qualifications as a judge, that this post in particular is sufficient. There is a contradiction because one does need to know about the person to determine whether they will make or remain a good judge. You are not being assessed for any job and your entire line of reasoning here only proves that you fail to pay attention.


BlaineTog t1_j8ib6qb wrote

> I am addressing each point.

Ok now you're just straight-up lying and/or delusional. It is comical that you'd think this will fly when your posts are still visible. Like, we can see that you didn't do that, dude. We can see it.

EDIT: You do know that blocking me doesn't mean that other people can't see your lies, right? Your posts are still there, dude! Everyone else knows what you're doing.


The-Shattering-Light t1_j8icnob wrote

They’re just sea-lioning


BlaineTog t1_j8icu4b wrote

Yeah, I agree. It's just wild when someone tries to do this on a public forum where the posts are all available to anyone who cares to look.


adamdreaming t1_j8j3chw wrote

You are not addressing each point and it doesn’t matter because you are conflating a chat forum where people casually share opinions with some sort of formal duty. You seem like someone isn’t following one of your personal protocols or your preferred etiquette but those are not the protocols or etiquette of this forum. People saying what they want to say here is not wrong.

I think you are just trying to control people


Rob_Drinkovich t1_j8ibswi wrote

Sounds like you also shared this post on facebook


Hen-stepper t1_j8id38y wrote

Cool, a witch hunt.


breakmyheart01 t1_j8inbgt wrote

I always wonder if the Nazi's said the people coming after them were taking part in a witch hunt.


ManWithTheCats t1_j8ifwuu wrote

If you say things like “orangemanbad” in a pathetic attempt at writing off all criticism of Wannabe Hitler, you have proven yourself to be mentally incompetent. Good day.


adamdreaming t1_j8j2fal wrote

If this was lawyer level shit than yeah, let lawyers argue about it but it isn’t.

I don’t think level of education needs to a barrier to asking or getting an answer to lots of questions that post raises.


How and where does one “check out the list of key domestic contacts for China” is there a list? Can you be more precise than just the general area of one of the biggest populations on the earth? Where is the directory that one “checks”? If there is an actual list then we know by Trumps tax returns that he should be on it. Is he? Than why target Dems? Is he not? Then how do we even know list is real and objective, and not propaganda born of political bias?

TL;DR f off gatekeeper


Chewyville t1_j8i61cc wrote

I think he was saying that he’s rather have some in there like Shelly Joseph. No mean words were spoken by Shelly Joseph
