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rakdoc t1_j9z554a wrote

I lived in Albany for 3 years before moving back to MA. I can give you a good scope if have any questions


averydarkcat OP t1_j9z6goc wrote

Gun laws, general culture and politics


Seaworthiness222 t1_j9z9psd wrote

If you feel all obsessed with a certain interpretation of 2A might not like it. You have to wait until you are 14, pass a very basic firearms course, fill out paper work and they ask you if you've had guns "stolen" in the past, using an alias, are a citizen, etc. Pay between 25 and 100 bucks. They'll do a check and let you know when you are approved.

So if those seem onerous to you, you wont like Mass.


averydarkcat OP t1_j9z9wjr wrote

Are there sensitive locations in MA?


drewr3737 t1_j9znfe0 wrote

Yes, very much so. In each town in MA you have to apply for a LTC at the police office of the town you live after completing the required gun safety course and it’s ultimately the chief of police in that town that decides whether to issue it or not. That means each town has there own ‘rules’ as to interpretation. There used to be a map that graded each town red, yellow, or green depending on the likely hood of getting a license. A good resource is Here on Reddit there is r/maguns that may be of help.