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aestheticbonnie t1_je88meb wrote

I live in Weymouth and love the full service gas stations. Why do people prefer self service over full service? Genuine question btw.


DeliPaper t1_je88rt8 wrote

I don't want to talk to anybody and I don't want to tip anybody


momoneymocats1 t1_je9a96h wrote

I’ve never heard of anyone tipping full service gas


TinyEmergencyCake t1_je9k9ni wrote

I worked at a gas station that offered a full service lane and got tips. Not from everyone but it was fairly common.


momoneymocats1 t1_je9kvuu wrote

Makes sense. As a Weymouth resident who’s forced into full service I just can’t swallow tipping when I’m forced into it. Also our gas prices are painfully expensive


ButterAndPaint t1_je9e06o wrote

Finding the mute button on gas pumps with commercials is the best part of my day.


GaleTheThird t1_je9yza7 wrote

I don't want to interact with someone then sit around while my gas gets pumped when it's faster and less hassle to just do it myself