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Dizzy_De_De t1_jdai2u9 wrote

Found the State Legislator in the group


Seriously though - there are 2 types of people in the world

Type 1 finds a problem and offers solutions

Type 2 hears solutions and looks for problems (mostly so they can maintain their privileged position)

The former creates progress through innovation

The latter makes the community a little worse every day as small issues first become annoyances and then become huge expensive impediments to growth.

Continued Boston centric growth in Massachusetts is an impediment to future growth in Massachusetts.

Every Massachusetts taxpayer bore the cost of the depression of the central artery, the Ted Williams tunnel and the Seaport district's infrastructure. Projects that all benefited the Boston area - so much so that the average weekly wage in Suffolk & Middlesex counties is now over $2200 per week.

The average weekly wage in Bristol County (New Bedford area) and Hampden County (Springfield County) is about one-half Suffolk/Middlesex County's.

It's well past time the State start investing in other regions and spread Massachusetts' miracle growth and wealth to the citizens in those other regions.

It's not just fair, it's the smart thing to do.