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dogriverhotel t1_jbc0mpk wrote

I had our family realtor walk me through everything. Honestly it was so helpful having someone hold my hand and introduce me to their preferred mortgage company etc, then home inspector, insurance agent, roofer, chimney guy… If you can get a referral from someone you trust it’s incredibly helpful and lessens the stress. In my case, this realtor also helped my mother and father find their new houses after they got divorced a couple years ago so we had a pretty nice relationship established even before I was ready to think about finding my own place.


ladbom OP t1_jbeep8o wrote

I have heard this is risky as well to rely on your realtor since they have an incentive to push everything through, especially for an inspector recommendation ... would assume it is easy to find one on google with some reviews


dogriverhotel t1_jbf169j wrote

I agree there’s risk to it, and you should always shop your rates around to see if there’s a better deal. In our case, everyone our realtor introduced us to turned out to be excellent and fairly priced and especially when it came to tradespeople, it was a great help to be personally introduced since like nobody is scheduling new projects for six months or a up to a year from now unless you have an in. If you can get a referral from someone you personally know and trust, that’s always the best way. I wouldn’t have gone with just anyone I found on Google even if they were well reviewed. Ask your coworkers or extended family for introductions!