Submitted by Alive-Comfortable571 t3_127hm3m in massachusetts

hello, i moved from texas a few months ago and am trying like crazy to get my car registered. maybe it’s the situation I’m stuck in that’s complicating things but i’d love to get insight from people on here. my mom used in house financing to lease a vehicle from a car dealership in texas. had that car registered in texas until april 2023 (last month coming up). after moving to massachusetts, i looked up all the required documentation (stamped form, sales tax exemption, registration receipt and proof of identity) and visited an rmv. they rejected to register the car because we didn’t have the original title. the car dealership we got the car from isn’t going to give us the original title until the car is paid up of course. so i tried and walked in at another branch, but they turned us down at the entrance saying the same thing. the car is registered to my mom’s name since it’s a financed purchase so i can’t say it’s a lease because they’d ask for a lien code and all etc. maybe it was those specific branches or i might be explaining the terms wrong, is there anyway i can get this car registered or am i looking for straws here? thanks.



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Stanhy_59 t1_jee9ovr wrote

FWIW get an insurance policy from a local company and they will register the car for you. They can tell you what you need. It makes zero sense that they won’t register a car with a lien on it; millions of people are driving financed cars. Somewhere is a piece of info you haven’t gotten yet. A local insurance agent can do that for you.


bv8ma t1_jeeh76d wrote

I've found our registry makes zero sense anyways. My wife was trying to get her license moved from NH to MA and it was a huge pain, she was rejected twice for not having the right paperwork and the third time she went she brought a page from the registry showing what you can use for proof of address and they still gave her a hard time.


Popmuzik412 t1_jef4y3x wrote

The worst part is each one is different. One says one thing is ok and the other rejects it.


Alive-Comfortable571 OP t1_jeg96vr wrote

YES. that was one of the issues i had when i was transferring my license as well. thank god i had that fixed.


SmoothSlavperator t1_jeea85s wrote

Massachusetts is funny.

They want your money but they make it as difficult as possible for you to give them money.


Hoosac_Love t1_jeeb1by wrote

Here is a bit more expensive,trade in the your car on another car in a MA dealer and they will take care of the paperwork for you.

I do think though if the Texan lien holder faxes the Title to the RMV I'd think that would work


Hoosac_Love t1_jee9r84 wrote

I think if the Texan lean holder faxed the Title to the RMV I think that would solve the problem.


Alive-Comfortable571 OP t1_jeg8gfz wrote

i could definitely contact the dealership. but do i get that faxed before my appointment? and how do I let the officer know that i had it faxed and where to look for it.


Hoosac_Love t1_jeecda5 wrote

It says the previous registration from out of state can act as proof of ownership if there is a lien in place.


Popmuzik412 t1_jeegl39 wrote

This but I think OP is trying to register in his name, it seems his mom took out the loan. MA will want the car in her name.


Hoosac_Love t1_jeejpoh wrote

If that is the case and the address on registry is in Texas and in the mother who is a valid Texes resident.Leave things as is and drive around Massachusets with Texas plates.And if anyone asks just say you are barrowing temporarily from your mom and the car is not yours.Which is esentially true

I don't think MA can can force you to register a car in MA that is not owned,registered and insured by a MA resident.It's a glorified rental car basically!


Alive-Comfortable571 OP t1_jeg8sa8 wrote

that’s a really nice shout. but I would truly feel safer having it registered. some cops these days can be a pain.


Hoosac_Love t1_jegadcw wrote

I could say have the title put in your name and have the lien holder fax the RMV Out of of other thoughts right now


majoroutage t1_jeem63i wrote

You don't own the car. Your mother does.

You cannot register it.


Hoosac_Love t1_jeemn1c wrote

There is nothing stopping him either from driving the car out of state though if it is validly registered and insured by a valid out of state resident.

I used to to deliver pizza in Amherst near UMass and none of the out of state college students used MA plates on the cars their parents lent them.In amherst you see tons of out of state plates.Never heard of it being a problem.


Popmuzik412 t1_jef3lqx wrote

Insurance may not pay out if they discover the car is permanently parked in another state.

College kids usually get a pass with insurance since it’s temporary.


Alive-Comfortable571 OP t1_jeg90iw wrote

hi, i’m sorry i didn’t point that out in the main post. my mom is the one trying to get it registered and i’m helping her out since i drive it as well.


majoroutage t1_jeg95z2 wrote

Does your mother also live here in Mass now?


Alive-Comfortable571 OP t1_jeg99af wrote

yes. our family moved together.


majoroutage t1_jeg9kd6 wrote

Cool. Now do yourself a huge favor and go to a local credit union and get the car refinanced here. I can almost guarantee you will get a better rate than any predatory in-house bullshit.


Alive-Comfortable571 OP t1_jega2b4 wrote

that’s a nice idea. do I just look up the closes one I can find or should i look into which ones offer the best rate first? do you have any experience with any good ones? thanks for helping out boss!


majoroutage t1_jeglwwf wrote

Always shop around, but don't be afraid to just walk in and ask to talk to someone.


kitkatklyng t1_jeeqoqv wrote

We are dealing with a similar but more much complicated situation. In many other places, I’m sure in Texas as well, the RMV/DMV electronically pull the title but MA requires the original PHYSICAL copy. I say this with emphasis because we had to fight with our lien holder tooth and nail to get them to send the physical copy to the RMV. Many lien holders, especially ones who don’t regularly do business in MA, will tell you you’re wrong and that it’s all done electronically.

Also, there is a very specific place to send the title. It’s not just your local RMV. Make sure to send to the RMV title office. Another option would be to have your lien holder send the title to your insurance, and the RMV should be able to confirm it with your insurance or something, but I’m not quite aware of how that pathway would play out. Sounds like more steps for things to go wrong.

Good luck and as one Texan transplant to another, Welcome!


Alive-Comfortable571 OP t1_jeg9qrb wrote

Thank you for the detailed info. It’s nice to hear people with a similar problem to ours worked through it. I will definitely give this a try.


Popmuzik412 t1_jef4b26 wrote

Is it financed or leased? Two different things as far as the RMV is concerned. You also don’t own the car, your mom does or leases it.


Alive-Comfortable571 OP t1_jeg8eiu wrote

Hi, it’s a finance to own purchase. Yes, mom is the one who owns it and it will still be registered in her name. I help her out with everything.


Popmuzik412 t1_jegawww wrote

Your going to have to get your own financing and buy it from her. Then put it in your name and the finance company will send the title to the RMV.


Bubbly_Preference_24 t1_jefg23l wrote

Just renew the registration in Texas.


Alive-Comfortable571 OP t1_jeg9uqy wrote

that’s an option as well. but to be fair, it would be safer to have it registered in the state we’re residing in.


samstankfinger t1_jee8rvr wrote

You can register it in Vermont without a title


Alive-Comfortable571 OP t1_jee8v84 wrote

but i reside in massachusetts though.


samstankfinger t1_jee8z1g wrote

They don’t care in vermont. It’s not a perfect solution but it is somethin. Sorry I can’t offer anything helpful besides that. I know how much of a headache the RMV is.


hotspot617 t1_jeeaqve wrote

Did you mean April 2023? The dealership you financed in house with should be able to provide you documentation of the loan agreement with a copy of the title. I think the DMV is getting confused if you're telling them the car is paid off and requesting the original title. In house financing isn't as big of a thing in Massachusetts as it is in the south as far as I know.


Alive-Comfortable571 OP t1_jeg9i3k wrote

Yes, my bad. Fixed it in the post as well. I did try with a copy of the title once but they turned me down saying they need the original not the copy.