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TerpeeAF413 t1_je9los5 wrote

The biggest black spot in Western Massachusetts is actually the Quabbin Reservoir which, along with the Wachusett Reservoir, provides drinking water for Boston and several towns in the Metro Boston area.


megmatthews20 t1_je9wmo6 wrote

That reservoir always makes me think of Stephen King's Dreamcatcher.


UniWheel t1_je9yv9b wrote

>The biggest black spot in Western Massachusetts is actually the Quabbin Reservoir

Yes, though there are also lots of large parcels that haven't been inhabited in a century or twp and many of which are now preserved - it was pretty much all farmed at one point, but now only the rich river floodplains and select hilltops are, so there are huge tracts of more difficult terrain that's regrown woods with only old foundations and stone walls. And trails. Lots of trails.


Hoosac_Love t1_je9lvsp wrote

I saw that for sure yea


Th1s1sChr1s t1_je9n6su wrote

Hey everyone, I found the newcomer!

EDIT: That's so funny people hatin' ... Hoosac's expression just sounded Wisconsin or Minnesotan to me, I didn't mean anything by it. (please don't tell your Minnesota or Wisconsin friends I suggested they may be similar)


Hoosac_Love t1_je9pxrk wrote

I'm from Berkshire county ,do you think I'd been to eastern MA outside of Worcester or Boston


es_cl t1_jea7o6q wrote

From western Mass too, there’s only a couple of things I know about the southeast region of the state. 1) Gillette stadium and Tweeter/Comcast Center(old name) are around the Attleboro area of the state because I’ve been to concerts there. 2) Sandwich and Hyannis is where I pass by to get to Provincetown/Cape Cod. Lol

Just like we can’t expect folks in the eastern side of the state to know much about western Mass, eastern folks shouldn’t expect us to know much about the eastern side unless it’s a tourist destination like Boston, Gillette, Comcast Center and the Cape area.


Hoosac_Love t1_jea8kj9 wrote

I've been to Gillette and Tweeter maybe back when it was Great Woods.I have been to Hyannis but never Provincetown.