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rsex77 t1_jdwc8iw wrote

Mbta has 2000 jobs available..most of them union.. with the new pension plan rolling out, It would be hard to pass up if offered.

10 years to be fully vested.. eligibility at 55.


[deleted] t1_jdwe4ah wrote



rsex77 t1_jdweeez wrote

To each their own. It's a beautiful thing that pursuit of happiness.


[deleted] t1_jdwew84 wrote



rsex77 t1_jdwg04i wrote

There are those that believe in being accountable for their own feelings and actions...and there are those like you who choose to be a victim angry and sad . I choose to feel sorry for you and those like you. But I also choose to do nothing for you. Enjoy that uncomfortable seat you sit in.
