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HumanChicken t1_je2pyfa wrote

What a family!


Sea-Example-7265 t1_je4ciy5 wrote

Your family? Yeah. You share that. That’s you even though you’re trying to feel better about yourself


DMala t1_je32e9f wrote

> The guard’s firearm fell off his waistband and was later found outside in a balled-up jacket held by one of Bates’s daughters.

They make it sound like the security guard just had a gun tucked in his waistband instead of secured properly in a holster. The fact that he lost it and one of the nut's daughters tried to steal it is pretty disturbing.


majoroutage t1_je339s4 wrote

Honestly sounds like they may have lifted it from him. Which isn't any better.


Icy-Neck-2422 t1_je2mdew wrote


>One of the two daughters who had earlier punched the security guard became angry seeing her father in handcuffs and spit at the guard.
>Both juvenile daughters were arrested and arraigned in Boston Juvenile Court, Hayden said. One of the juveniles, 16, was charged with larceny of a firearm, assault and battery, possession of a firearm without a license and possession of ammunition without a license. The other juvenile, 17, was charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct.


petal_in_the_corner t1_je32qmn wrote

Sexually harassing employees while out with his daughters. Outstanding!


jax1492 t1_je2zlr2 wrote

he will be back on the streets in no time


AutomatedSaltShaker t1_je49fs6 wrote

I’m giving you one last chance…ok how about one more last chance?


mehkindaok t1_je2reww wrote

…and he will be out by Friday. It’s all a part of the green new deal, we’re trying to get the revolving door of justice to spin fast enough to generate electricity once connected to a generator.


SouthShoreSerenade t1_je2z4hg wrote

That Linux guy was a nutter but at least we had fewer politically deranged wankers around when he was banning everyone who so much as farted around here.


majoroutage t1_je34n2e wrote

Yeah, Mussolini wasn't really so bad, I agree. He made the trains run on time too.



MeatPopsicle14 t1_je311rr wrote

Oh yeah just banning everyone you dont politically/ideologically agree with sounds great. Thats why reddit is an echo chamber of one political party mostly. How about debating ideas and if you dont want to do that just downvote. Censoring and banning is such a bad idea. If someone is being extremely toxic or threatening etc then sure.


mehkindaok t1_je4mdas wrote

But you don’t get it, anyone who isn’t a part of the echo chamber is toxic and threatening!


asuds t1_je31kb2 wrote

There is a difference between differing opinions and spewing bullshit in bad faith.


MeatPopsicle14 t1_je32af6 wrote

Hes sharing his opinion and feelings about it sorry you dont agree with it, saying this guy should be banned for having a shitty opinion is absolute bullshit and that is in bad faith.


majoroutage t1_je33fzu wrote

Yeah, and people doing both were getting banned.

Also, some people still believe in the principles of free speech even when there's no legal obligation to abide by it.


bostonmacosx t1_je6apx6 wrote

Liberal mass... yupPee!!

As president I will purchase an island somewhere warm. On that island will go they can be outdoors and "free" but removed from society as a whole....


ForsakenDrawer t1_je3d7xc wrote

Well, as a complete fucking moron, I’m gonna take this sensationalist headline as justification for all laws becoming even more draconian


ggtffhhhjhg t1_je5s80e wrote

He belongs in prison or a mental health facility.


tomwilhelm t1_je4wwky wrote

This is why gun laws don't work, btw.