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OrsoMalleus t1_jbojzzq wrote

>As a surface warfare officer, Farrell has done tours of duty on the guided-missile cruisers USS Vella Gulf, USS San Jacinto and USS Vicksburg; she served as the executive officer on the latter. 

Man, what a fucking downgrade in tech. At least her new office must smell nice.

(/s, she's rightfully very proud of her new post. Quote from here.


20sinnh t1_jboy4vd wrote

It's gotta be considered a desirable posting in the USN. You get lodging in a safe, vibrant city, on an assignment that doesn't run the risk of violence unless you get an active shooter-type situation, and each day varies based on the ship duties, tourists you interact with, and community outreach you engage in. BJ Farrell has two young kids, so sending them to school in Massachusetts is about as good as it gets. I met her last summer during a tour of the Constitution, and she was very much enthusiastic about the work she and her crew do, and the historical opportunity presented to her.


downwardspiralstairs t1_jbq0wmw wrote

It's a very desirable posting like the Eagle in the coast guard but the biggest perk is the uniform with those epaulettes and the hat.


OrsoMalleus t1_jbq8yjf wrote

As an Army vet, I'm super jealous of her hat.


downwardspiralstairs t1_jbqd3ic wrote

Not even a Fleet admiral gets a hat like that.


OrsoMalleus t1_jbqdg2e wrote

That's because a Fleet admiral doesn't get to fire the 24lb long-cannons, and he's super jealous about it.


BrockVegas t1_jbpjzf9 wrote

When I was a kid, the dude that lived across from me served on the Constitution, and every once in a while, I would catch him in a very similar uniform leaving in the morning.

It was quite jarring the first time.... to say the least.


BatmanOnMars t1_jbptrps wrote

Very Cool!

I think the uniform is rad but the top comment in that post is about how it doesn't fit her. Which like, you're probably right, but it seems to be missing the point of the post...


Ferfuxache t1_jbq8hif wrote

Met her last year. Absolute delight to talk to. Crew seemed to love her but I imagine they’re paid to.


FunFig3117 t1_jbopwja wrote

Glorifying the military is gross


[deleted] t1_jbo1d2b wrote



daphydoods t1_jbodjjd wrote

God forbid we have tradition

I’m not pro-military by any means but tradition can be nice sometimes


[deleted] t1_jbodvlp wrote



daphydoods t1_jboeb4g wrote

It seems like you have a lot of anger inside you that must be difficult to live with. Maybe therapy would be a better outlet for you than being abusive to internet strangers